What the reclassification of marijuana means for Washington’s cannabis industry

More than a decade after Washington pioneered the legalization of recreational marijuana in the United States, sales of the …


  1. We need to demand Washington state allow home grows. The amount of garbage and packaging from these 502 shops is ridiculous. When people can just be growing marijuana in their backyard in the summertime. This will really help the environment.

  2. Just so people know that picture on the front the brand blazed don't buy it. They actually sell you wet weed. You have to dry your weed. Then you get maybe 3/4 of an ounce when you paid for an ounce. That company sucks

  3. Everyone is too eager to get legal cannabis and has forgotten the millions of lives destroyed over this.

    What this does is open the door for a class action lawsuit. If you destroyed millions of lives based on a lie – cannabis has no medicinal value, having no evidence to support that claim, and cannabis is the gateway, knowing very well trauma is the gateway, you deserve some time in a courtroom for human rights violations.

    A alcoholic and codependent medical community can't identify the cause of the mental health crisis. Since the cannabis (the only known competitor to alcohol).war began, there were 100s of millions of violent alcohol related crimes, including the sexual abuse of 10s of millions of children, that sent millions a year through the trauma gateway to alternative consumption, but 75% of all alternative consumption was cannabis.

    Alcoholic and codependent judges then sent those to mental health facilities by the millions where they were taught they were criminals, abnormal, guilty, and that cannabis was the source of their problems.

    Those were denied equal protection under the law accirding to the Constitution, and other rights and liberties alcohol consumers were given, including the right to compete with them in the workplace, but "cannabis was the source of their failure," according to their leaders.

    The gave the billions a year stress medicine (recreational cannabis) to Mexican cartels which became the foundation of their empires netting them TRILLIONS and growing their power until they ate now a real threat to national security.

    Even now the medical community is in agreement that recreation, although essential to good health, is not medicinal, and that cannabis should be falsely divided into recreational (preventive medicine, stress relief) and medicinal.

    They have done this to tax cannabis to pay for alcohol's massive economic deficit – TRILLIONS over the course of the war.

    In a state (Texas) that still criminalizes and wages war on the traumatized victims of the nation's drunken debauchery for making a wiser choice – cannabis over alcohol for recreation (preventative medicine, stress relief) – I'd like to see someone be held accountable, not just get expensive, legal weed to pay for alcohol's massive deficit.

  4. While a reclassification is beneficial to the general public.

    Washington State cannabis is currently UNUSABLE, and the "feds" need to interviene.

    The WSLCB has allowed some group of people to manufacture, process, and distribute DANGEROUS cannabis and cannabis dirivative products.

    Since the State has failed to ensure the safety of the products they have licensed for distribution to the general public, the "feds" must take action.

  5. Schedule 3 sounds like a good step forward. Along with testosterone, female to males don’t know what’s exactly going into their bodies with that shot, but a little weed is the problem? Yaaaa ok

  6. So many more important things going on. It’s time to get rid of the garbage in this beautiful state of Washington. It’s time to take our country back and if you want change, you have to vote and you may have to vote differently. Not talking about the cannabis laws I’m talking about every day life. Crime shootings murders open borders.. take care of our Veterans. Hard drugs illegal no more revolving doors. Too many in our State our homeless and hooked on drugs. I know. Obama was the final blow for our State. Biden? Nothingburger Career Politician! I watched it everyday. It hit many families. We need no nonsense laws. We are almost a Portland. Vote like your grandchildren’s lives depend on it.❤️

  7. When the fed can manage their finances in a manner that gets out of debt, then the cannabis business might actually want their help. But until then, they should focus their efforts on our checks and balances in the meantime. And its re scheduling not a "reclassification".

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