A fact-checked debate about legal weed

2 opposing perspectives and 6 true facts about cannabis legalization. Subscribe and turn on notifications so you don’t miss any …


  1. You can legaize it but illegalize advertizing for drugs. Convincing people to do drugs is wrong, using snd selling(with full consent and liability acception/reccomnded harm reduction purposes, honest selling, and ) is not. People have the right to do sctions taht are consensual.

  2. I want to hear their talk about how weed is moving to schedule 3, and how the having regulations isn't directly bad but the top 3 largest companies that sell canibis were the ones who helped craft the laws in their favor, I think if we basically treated weed like alcohol we'd fix alot of issues, but I see that the leagal roots that caibis is built on is just corrupt even tho it's brand new and making it schedule 3 probably won't change much and may possibly be the reason to tighten restrictions

  3. As someone who has worked in black, grey and legal cannabis – The legalization scheme keeps the money away from the criminals, smugglers and gangs. Who else is gonna come up with $150k cash for a duffle bag of illegal substance?

  4. Wow, this is very good. As someone who enjoys using weed myself, I'm 100% for legalization, however I think Will's points in this debate are really well made. Even though I still do not agree with him that cannabis should remain illegal, I do think that giving huge companies the monopoly of weed might be a real problem going forward and any attempt to legalize marijuana should come with great public policies that also minimize risk to users and society as a whole.

  5. Great points, Will. Why don’t you bring those to the alcohol industry first considering the amount of deaths directly caused by it on a DAILY basis, but let’s make sure that’s in almost every store.

  6. 5:41
    I have issue with the phrasing around the statement that “81% of cannabis business owners are white”

    Yes this is true, but it is also true that in 2024 68% of the population is white.

    There is an imbalance in the ethnic distribution, but that is only by 10%.

    The fact as stated makes it seem much more.

  7. The way the disposible vape industry in the UK, in just a few short years, has caused a large percentage of the youth to become completley addicted to nicotine should serve as a warning.
    Alcohol and Tobacco are bad enough, putting another drug in the hands of consumer-facing companies is a horrible idea. It will cause relentless marketing campaigns that will create far more addiction and substance dependancy in the population. Pretending weed is not a serious drug, or that putting it in the hands of businesses will lead to prosperity in marginilised communities is a delusional dream. I absolutley stand by Will on this issue.

  8. When weed was just decriminalized in Oregon, I was transporting my collection of pipes and bongs from a friends home to my own home, I was pulled over(by was out of weed) the cops made me destroy all my pieces. Decriminalized is not enough.

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