Best-Seller Bounces From Heart Attack With Hunter-Gatherer Physique | Dr. Shawn Baker, Daniel Trevor

Daniel shares his incredible health journey – from battling type 2 diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and osteoporosis to …


  1. Carnivore is great….but you cant trigger autophagy with the protein content. If you want to stop IGF1 and mTor and "clean house" you have to take a fast/break from protien.

  2. My husband is 72, very lean, had a heart attack the end of last year, they put in a stent, and prescribed blood thinners, a statin, a blood pressure pill and 2 others. I tried to put him on a low carb diet, cut sugar and grains. He had issues with nausea and diarrhea, losing weight he couldn't afford to lose. He is now insisting on eating instant oatmeal, raisin bran, apple juice, gatorade, etc., because the doctor/nutionist/AHA, etc., insist it's good for him. We just had our 46th anniversary, I expect he won't see #50.

  3. I tried to get on your site Mr. Trevor and it will not connect. Comment 404-Not Found. Not sure what’s going on. I’ll try in a day or so and see if I can get on your site. Thank you.

  4. lol. He holds up the book “The carnivore diet” and says I love your book “The carnivore code”. lol
    It’s hard to watch his interview because he can’t complete a sentence……

  5. This is funny, becsuse, he is babbling on and on about every single aspect involved in diet wars. He is at the first stage of low carb, where you find out that everything is upside down and you try to tell everyone you meet. The main problem? Exactly what this guy is going through! YOU CANT EXPLAIN IT TO ANYONE IN FIVE MINUTES! So funny to hear him telling Shaun about it ,like he doesn't know it! But, at 25 minutes, he tells about the OGGT glucose test, which we all know is bogus if you are low carb ,insulin is baseline, on idle and sleep mode. Its my main peeve that veggie tale people try to say this is Insulin Resistance! However, sounds like the book is moving the discussion in right direction!

  6. Question: one year on carnivore, I will be 76 on my next birthday in August. Recently started exercising (doctor approved) to try and get off my blood pressure meds so I have to monitor my blood pressure on a daily basis. So before my exercise today I took my BP 128/58 with 58 pulse. After a short workout my BP is now 133/52 with pulse of 52. That seems strange to me but perhaps I’m mistaken??

  7. "If you have glucose in the blood, day in and day out in high amounts, it eventually leads to hyperinsulinemia."


    There is ZERO proof glucose, by itself causes hyperinsulinemia by in the absence of fructose consumption.
    Countless societies have eaten extremely high glucose diets, up to 95 percent, that have shown zero obesity, zero diabetes, and zero heart disease.
    You only see hyperinsulinemia in populations that eat massive amounts of fructose. The rule is, no fructose, no hyperinsulinemia…true fact.

  8. Nobody eats a low-fat diet. They haven’t been following the pyramid diet, he’s been following they all eat deep fried fatty crap the people that actually eat super low-fat have wicked result, and a super lean and healthy, Carbs FTW!! 💪💪💪

  9. I'm interested in learning how long it is possible to live with a stent. Yeah, lots of stents are done for preventtion. But if your in full MI, there is no choice.
    My last GGT was 16.

  10. We pay docs A LOT of money for that 7 minute visit. I don't understand if they "don't have time" to ask pertinent questions. I've never gone to a doc for an Rx. I have always gone looking to solve a problem (never happened unless I figured it out first and had to ask for a specific Rx, which was accutane, after wasting years and a fortune on doctors and useless treatments.) I had no idea docs were not even interested in healing. Never again, unless I have a broken bone or know I need a specific med I can't get on my own. In the end, carnivore cured my skin issues. Accutane held up for years, but it was not permanent.
    I was a vegetarian for a while and, after that, it was low-fat and salads. Fat cured my skin. Fat and steak.

  11. I have a book called Panniers Guide to the End of Everything. One chapter is full of the ways doctors horrifically treated famous people at the end of their lives. The treatments were cutting edge at the time.

  12. I did everything you are now doing starting in 2015 on a strict keto diet and went carnivore in 2019, I had a near fatal MI in 2021 and a second one in 2022. I don't know what to do anymore.

  13. In kindergarten in 1951, there was one fat girl and one fat boy, in Iowa. I moved to California, no-one was fat in elementary school., one or two in high school.. The vending machines had fresh apples and fruit juice..
    Everyone took physical education and we played hard. We called it fizz ed.


  14. I love this guy. So many carnivore groups are so intolerant of wild berries and such. I get my posts removed if I mention I'm awaiting our wild Blackberries. Happened just yesterday😂

  15. I've also made a concise outline with a little intro & outro, about a 26 page fully cited outline. How does "Bringing God back to the Dinner Table" sound?

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