Key marijuana legislation fails to pass in marathon Statehouse session

Key marijuana legislation fails to pass in marathon Statehouse session Stay informed about Columbus and central Ohio news, …


  1. As a TRUE Republican I believe in LIBERTY & FREEDOM. Cannabis should have been legal years ago. These same law makers are looking for ways to profit personally – just follow the money. No State or Federal government republican should ever use the words liberty and/or freedom; they honestly don’t believe in those words.

  2. The fact is drug use is protected under the 1A, FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Find your religion that matches your drug, and ready for getting paid after the pigs violate your Rights under the Supremacy Clause, which makes the CONSTITUTION the LAW OF THE LAND, FULL STOP. These people are all criminals in the state house. ALL OF THEM.

  3. Our entire government is full of nothing but SOCIALISTS, the only thing they are good at is COMMITTING CRIMES. And NOT enacting this LAW, that WE the PEOPLE voted YES on, IS A CRIME.

  4. I’ve had a card for almost 5 years now and have had a change of heart with the marijuana it’s just bad for you and causes more problems as you get older get a life quit burning your future and your children’s future up being a looser grow up life’s not a party

  5. Why are law makers going on summer break from now till November? who else gets paid for that long of a vacation. how much do they get paid again? They focus on the dumbest stuff

  6. They have absolutely no issues altering bills once passed. They altered the bill immediately upon it's passing.
    Why is public smoking a matter of contention? Can't drink or smoke cigs in public, why would weed be treated differently? Seems logical, what applies to cigs and alcohol would apply to weed.

  7. Saying silly things like “we needed to do something the next day”, or “not everything was in the ballot initiative” just shows how little these politicians are willing to listen to voters. Let’s vote out any politician who supports a bill changing the ballot initiative!

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