Protesters show up in Nairobi CBD with empty coffins amid tear gas and chaos

Protesters show up in Nairobi CBD with empty coffins amid tear gas and chaos.


  1. The coffins arent the issue in this video BUT have you noted the Police have covered their vehicle's registration plates. Meaning they're not from Nairobi county and if they commit any crime, theyll never be found.

  2. I see people dont know nothing about economy!! Why do u think people in north Europe pay 32% in taxe from they income every month to the coverment ! Its because coverment fix free school and education for the kids and young people, u get free hospital doctor visit, they fix infrastructure, if you become unemployed, there is a fund where you receive 85% of your salary for 400 days until you find a new job. If a country have big loans so they can pay back! The problem is that the former presidents and elite have corupt the system in decades and put money in they own pocket! So are Ruto the real problem???

  3. 20 something year olds carrying 15 new coffins in Moi Avenue. No this does not seem right those youthman want cash they are better off selling that…this is too much foolery now it shouldn't drive away from the real issues that need to be dealt with.

  4. Hii sasa ni upuzi. What are we doing at this point? We are letting young people burn our own country as we watch. I pity the next president. Atakua na kazi ngumu sana.

  5. this gen z are abunch of tech savvy little brats and you older kenyans who lived under moi oppressive regime or even kenyatta when the economy was in the dogs but persevered are suddenly pushing this inexperienced jokers to basically push the country to the brink of chaos hope you like it when you have to flee like the somalis or the congolese..wake up kenyans the whole world is experiencing terrible economic times,inflation its not only in kenya where things are hard it is all around the world but if you wanna burn your country because simply the country accumulated so much debt like all other nations then do it but be ready when all institutions of government collapse and you have to be refugees

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