Welcome to episode 5 of Cannabis Friends & 420 Buds! Dive into the world of Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) with your hosts, …


  1. Folk, Why has there not, been a documentary that makes it to Main stream media concerning the medicinal properties of cannabinoids?!?!? Anecdotal my A_S!!!! There are troves, mountains of anecdotal evidence and you want to tell me that its all a coincidence?!?! Cant a Go fund me for this purpose be manifested?! Its my understanding that a group of veterans paid for and produced a commercial for the Super Bowl about 6 years ago. The commercial demonstarted how cannabinoids were getting Veterans Off of opiods!!! The NFL nixed the the commercial the night before the game……………

  2. In CO last year I used a commercial brand EDUN. Topically it healed a biopsy skin scar on my nose in 2-4 days. And the spots of skin cancer are gone. Also ingested 1/2 to 1 grain of rice size 2xday. After especially the latest testing on pesticides in flower reported by the LA Times, I’m going with Al’s product MOVIDA for one other condition, a lifetime of ET, very mild until the rollout of the EMFs complicated by a cluster of traumas. (Not Covid related.).

    Starting FECO from MOVIDA now after this video. Also taking MSM and Al’s CBD Elixir of the Gods. Thrilling to find it. No more dispensaries for me.

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