Growing cannabis indoors may not be as green as you think

Indoor energy usage drives the carbon footprint of cannabis up. Read the full story here: …


  1. That's no argument in favour of indu$trial$ who are the only produ¢ers actually able to manage with astronomical numbers as from savvy combinatorial (synergy-boosted) Pest Control (sanitory) Product recipes… And now there's the recent frenzie about eternal molecules that can only accumulate in our human bodies, some 4700 compounds with quite a few to worry about, "trace" level or not. Because toxicities don't simply add up: they multiply.

    Ref.: C(n, r) or nCr function on advanced calculators.

    For example, starting with a catalog of 200 PCPs as with "i502" Washington years ago:

    1 dozen PCPs = C(96, 12)


    Nw tell me there's enough time & money to detect ALL additives, "legal" or otherwise…

    Too bad in absence of long-term studies it could be a while before we realize and understand how $¢ien¢e-for-$ale is actually based on ¢ontaminated data…

  2. Hahahahah you guys love to eat your own they legalize it then the they bitch about it’s climate impact what a joke the cannabis plant can replace all most 80% of fossil fuel byproducts that we use in everyday life that’s why it’s illegal federal to this day look into the lobbyist that got cannabis ban in the first place (you ride around on there brand everyday)

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