1. Ohio marijuana sales what a joke. The drug dealers are laughing until it won’t stop making money with those prices. Mikey is sending his people to Michigan. We waited all this time just so they could cheat us. They won’t even sell you a quarter. They rip you off for a gram and a half, what a sad situation ohio is in

  2. " marijuana " is a racist word. And, they , media, still call it a drug. It is NOT a drug. Like Coffee, it is a Stimulant. Coffee is highly Acidic, which is basically poison, like sugar.

    But, some people are so smart, that, they do not need to research, cause, in their minds, they already know everything.
    And it just gets more stupid, from that point, on. Like all the patents, the GOV owns on the plant. lol.
    It is not stupidity as much as, bull headed policy makers. MONEY, GREED, etc, imo

  3. I feel bad for all those kids that their parents will spend their money and sell ebt benefits to buy weed…even before when it was illegal that happened now that's more accessible it will be worst.

  4. This should have been done 30 plus years ago. To stimulate the local economy,put money into infrastructure and local city services like libraries and parks. The money generated will help stimulate local economy,while also creating more jobs. It’s a win win for everyone,from the growers to the local businesses in the area. It will generate much needed revenue to all local and city departments,while also helping in the development of those cities. People who buy marijuana for medical or recreational purposes must also understand the safety protocols that comes with purchasing cannabis. After purchasing your marijuana,wait till you get home,or in a private secure setting before you go sparking up a blunt or bowl. Because if you are caught by law enforcement driving around while smoking marijuana,it is the same as a DUI and you will be charged. So make sure you understand this and be responsible when using marijuana.

  5. Yes billions of new tax revenue to be collected by the state. You'd think with the new influx of cash they could lower property taxes..😅 or do something.. anything useful with the money but they wont. it will probably be used for ''new arrivals' and nothing for EP..

  6. If its like any other state that jas legalized it the state will see a big tax income increase that the citizens will never see going to a new place. Followed with an opening of 20 plus dispenseries per town and people wondering when most of them will fail.

  7. It will turn into Michigan. A state that is full of drug addicted addle brained clowns who can’t pour water out of a bucket with the instructions on the bottom of it, while corrupted politicians will get rich. Typical for this day and age.

  8. This is terrible. State governments get suckered again. People will spend hundreds per month on this crap now because its legal. It dumbs them down and destroys their ambition. My grandaughter could never get ahead while on this stuff. She thought it was ok because it was legal in Illinois. She was stoned all the time and COULD NOT quit. One day he did her budget and realized she was was spending in excess of $400 per month. After a number of attempts and some outside help she has been drug free for 3 week. She is alert and aware and her real self again, able to live life and be productive. In Illinois gambling is legal now in taxed and regulated slot parlours. Is prostitution next? Stae governments have taken over for Organized Crime. Its not literally crime now because its legal. But it is just as harmful.

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