Lighting For Plants 2024! New Plant Studies On Lighting & More! (Garden Talk #136)

In this episode of Garden Talk, I interview Shane from MIGRO. He was on the podcast once before, episode #33 back in 2021, …


  1. Are there any grow talk videos that talk about dark period interruption? Or light pollution? Trying to find some science on that besides Google.. thanks!

  2. I have two of many seedlings right now that are in the veg tent soaking in 30 DLI with nbo issues.

    I always hear about low light iontensity for seedlings but theyve been able to take the 30DLI without any issues for me. Multiple strains

  3. My problem with bringing in outside cool air is that it’s so humid where I live! I need to have a dehumidifier running so I think that would defeat the purpose for me right?

    I’m just starting out so this is all really helpful. Thanks

  4. So I think Chris is saying that the most economically efficient way to increase CO2 in a grow space is to have more children… okay I'm on it!

  5. Hello Shane 👋
    Side & underneath
    Work great, I suggest getting
    4 bar full spectrum lights on 4 sides . Remove tent cover in, bud . Move in side lights on rolling clothing racks. Or use 6×6

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