1. @samljer Psychoactive chemicals are by definition drugs. Marijuana is by definition a drug. By your definition tobacco and coffee wouldn't be drugs. Now if you want to nitpick you could argue that the Cannabis plant isn't a drug but it contains drugs.

  2. He's correct, we have bigger things to worry about right now, this is not a priority…. please be reasonable. I am all for tLegalization,.honestly…but right now he has bigger things to deal with. I feel the real reason for not legalizing it is the fact that its smoked, and smoking IS harmful to the the lungs, so they can't legalize something that is harmful….If they can make a pill form with ALL the side effects that would be different …IMO.

  3. Look I think weed should be legalised, its fucking stupid to decide what ppl put into their any bodies, But I have come to accept that people are that stupid. but I realy cant understand why doctors can perscribe all kinds of shit that mess you up far more than weed but get no grief, yet when they talk about using cannibis medicinaly there is a controversy? wtf…

  4. @Aaron1327 it would be cheaper than you could imagine if it were federally legalized and you would be allowed to grow it it would never be more expensive than it is now if it were legal and it would raise our economy to the best it has ever been

  5. Pretty clear from this that he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about! Come on Barack, get a clue! You did inhale! And it's not about regulation, it's about freedom. Careful, you may lose political capital if you don't wise up!

  6. I love alot of your comment out here. Go check the other video with the same intervieuw and tell the truth to gmco4 cause he won't listen to me and he keeps spreading lies about cannabis. It should be regulated and taxed the same way as with alchohol. That just commen sense. Just try both and then tell me wich is worse?


  7. I have bipolar disorder, my first crisis appeared when I was 11, log befoere I started smoking pot. Bipolar disorder is in my genes and nothing that I've done in this life has a my BD as a consequence. Ask your brother's psiquiatrist, as I asked mine. Marihuana does helps developping depression, but every mental disorder depends on many factors to raise, BD depends only on genetics. Now, I'm a bipolar but I've never harmed other, your brother assault charges are there cause of personality not BD

  8. MaskedMumblr your a moron, they dont illegalize things because they're bad for us or hurt us, Cigarettes and Alcohol KILL MILLIONS every year AND THEY'RE LEGAL , weed never killed ANYONE. HA, and you call everyone else Dumb Shits… Go look in the mirror to see the King of Dumbshits buddy. You actually think the government gives a fuck about You? As George Carlin says,"GET FUCKIN REAL."

  9. Everyone acts like Obama is "Pro-Marijuana", when he is asked if he would ever consider Legalizing and Taxing it to help bring our country out of the recession and help the economy, he flat out says NO. Not only that but he just compared Marijuana to Morphine. Who sees marijuana as being on the same drug level as morphine? He will never get marijuana legalized, or even used for medicinal purposes. He talks about wasting money, when it will end up MAKING money. Not very smart

  10. he said the words "high" and "marijuana" in the same video without a 12 year old editing the video!
    obama was the right choice i see.
    Americans, you have made a wise choise.

  11. How am i a dumb shit when i dont smoke weed? The rest of the world made marijuana illegal because the US did. And our marijuana growth and selling played a major part in the building of America. Our 1st president grew marijuana. Look how he impacted us. If he was a "bum" like you said in a previous comment then how come he'll be in world history forever and you will be forgotten?

  12. Legalizing marijuana in a controled recreational style is just what we need. I know from growing up in the suberbs that it is a far easier task to acquire weed than it is to get a hold of alcohol. If federal law changes to allow competition in a free market we can see gigantic profits arise and help the economy. Look I have smoked weed for four years and I am about to go to college on a full ride on tuition. Bottom line it is the person not the drug that makes the choices and brings about

  13. MaskedMumblr, I know you are mislead about weed. Its ok. Medical marijuana should 100% be legalized because it does MUCH more good than bad, if anything bad at all. Using weed for recreation (if thats what you want to call it) doesnt affect your mind or emotions for worse. It relaxes you. Your brother didnt get bipolar disorder BECAUSE of marijuana. And it is his bipolar that made him do things out of anger. Any effects on the brain go away after the THC leaves your body

  14. understandable, i would not however start any argument you wish to pursue with insults, it does not bode well for any replies. ive never heard of marijuana affecting someone in such a way, how long was he using it? how frequently? and was it just marijuana?

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