RSO 101: Rick Simpson Oil Success Strategy for CHRONIC PAIN:

Chronic Pain Relief: The Rick Simpson Oil Protocol That Works! Greetings, Cannabis Friends! In this episode of Cannabis …


  1. I stopped taking 300mgs morphine a day for DDD(degen discs) due to RSO.
    My while bodily health has changed for the better.
    4 hours after my first dose most inflammation subsided, it really helped with withdrawals although doesn't take it away!
    I can now walk around much better, my gait has improved to its usual self before I had this.
    Don't get me wrong it hasn't and won't fix it but it's as close to it as possible.
    I would say since I started RSO that my life has improved over 80% that is no exaggeration, it's a case of seeing is believing.

  2. So true I hope I do got NHS rso but glad to be legal and really rso Chang me back to the guy I use to be happy no pain anxiety and turrets sindrom is a bit lest pain full with ticking and ADHD all of this 1st time in 20 years I've felt like me the real me thank you so much agen for saying my name when specialists see it yep we want you on this legal no payment 🙏 hope so if not Ile ask you or any one good to send to UK for my problems thanks ever so much you save so many people life you don't know really no GP or any one unless gelis of you yep it happens cart do out as in get you in trubel when had your assessment be honest and thay speck to gp, species and your UK legal shame people get gelis and instead of chatting to GP then that pay over price for street weed sad it's 2024 legal UK CBD THC Rso is the chore to cancer protection

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