The MrBeast Situation Just Got Worse..

mrbeast has just been exposed by even more people… with several new developments including kris tyson discord leaks, and …


  1. i could survive the food sleep and med shit happy cause i'm skinny as fuck don't eat aiot and i dont have med shit i can sleep anywhere pretty much but the physical shit i'm fucking dead

  2. MR. Beast, a monster, have we frogot what he's done, I'm sick of this shit, he's done more good for the world then some fucking governments. All this shit shouldn't be happening, yea sure maybe he went a too far with the show, but all these testimony are from there stand point so we have no idea what Jimmy was doing, he could've been wracking his and his legal teams brains to find solutions we can't just assume he knew about everything and just ignored it

  3. On one hand, I’m upset that Mr. Beast was revealed to be lying, ignoring, likely dumb person, because I’ve been watching him for a while. But on the other hand, it’s pretty hilarious to see everything a man has easily built and it fall apart just as easily. He basically has no one to blame but himself.

    As one Charlie Slimecicle said, “I saw empires rise and fall, and I fell with them.”

  4. he's gonna have trouble hiring anyone again … bro he should have trouble breathing fresh air ever again, the only issue is this is government level fraud and sexual stuff, if it was a normal person doing this, they would go to jail for 20 years or something, but if politicians OR MR BEAST DOES IT…. "it's going to be hard for him to hire new people ever again" Oh I am fucking crying for his hard life.

  5. It's so irrational to hate mr.beast for something that his former friend DID. it's not him.

    it's even more irrational to use 'birds of the same feather flocks together' phrase because it doesn't always apply to all situations.

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