Tokyo’s CBD Cafes

CBD has been growing in Japan. Domestic brands have been founded and a few cafes have opened up. I decided to visit a …


  1. The ramen shop you went to, 一龍, the same family as far as I know has three locations in Buffalo, NY. The same logo is present at one of the locations here. Kinda cool to be able to see the interior of this location.

  2. Where I live, CBD and THC are fully legal- it's super cool to see how Japan is embracing CBD and it's health benefits. Being from the land of coffee shops on every street- I wish more places would offer CBD drinks. Really awesome video and I love seeing your work and like the drinks, your videos are super calming, information rich, and fun to watch. Keep up the awesome work!

  3. Try Meadow Medicinals CBD, they are one of the oldest CBD companies. They are still small and they still care. They extract the terpenes and essential oils from the Cannabis flower first before the CBD. Then they add them back in after CBD is activated. That's the only way to get true full spectrum CBD. use the discount code wellness20 and they'll give you 20 percent off. I'm pretty sure they will ship to Japan.

  4. Great video! I'm glad opinions on at least CBD is shifting in Japan maybe before the next decade THC products will be legalized too.
    Only thing I'd like to mention about the video is the S sounds seem to make a pretty sharp noise other than that great video!

  5. Just a comment from this Elder WHO KNOWS WHAT SHE'S TALKING ABOUT. I've been using CBD products for over 10 years (yep, I'm in the U.S.A.) CBD oil is used for pain relief, muscle spasms, multiple sclerosis & other pains associated with the human body AS A TOPICAL APPLICATION. In order for it to be called CBD, it can't have more than 29% THC in the product. I noticed that the store employee was using an eyedropper to dispense the CBD in your straw, which leads me to surmise that the THC content was less than the maximum allowed in CBD concentrate, which is OK, but long term use of CBD oil in gummies, cakes & other foods ingested in the body can cause elevated proteins in your body (which effects the kidneys & bladder) It is hoped that a QUALIFIED medical professional is consulted before using CBD oil & its derivatives. In liquid form, the CBD doesn't stay in your system that long, weareas in a cooked or baked form, the CBD takes longer to leave your system. Not everyone can tolerate CBD oil, so my advice is to be careful when you first try it. WORDS OF WISDOM: YOU WILL NOT "GET HIGH", CBD oil is more of relaxing & refreshing in your beverage. AGAIN, if you want to use CBD oil on a daily basis, BE SAFE, NOT SORRY, & talk to a medical professional about your own physical health & the use of CBD oil.

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