Trump is using his media company to allow rich donors to buy a piece of Trump and reap the benefits in the form of government …


  1. it's the fault of your courts and goverment for letting such corruption take place and absolutely nothing is done.
    crocodile tears about some clause somewhere is meaningless. presidential powers for sale.

  2. yeah but what about Hunter biden's laptop it was full of books novels autobiographies some with no pictures!
    only Trump can save America and make Slovenia PGA golf Oasis ⛳🍄🗽

  3. If trump starts any kind of business you can bet that trump never invested his own money in that business, and you can bet that he will use illegal methods to sell that business at a "loss", and he will always walk out the back door of the place counting cash and writing off everything through taxes. His entire life has been nothing but BS.

  4. There will never, ever be an end to his criminality. Ever. There's no 'final' grift for him. There's no bottom to his corruption and vileness and illegality. He just doesn't care. He's literally the absolutely perfect avatar for the RTTs.

  5. I do not like Donald Trump, but I need you people to stop playing this p** foot game with everybody.You all know what's going to happen?He's going to be the next President of the United States of America.But you all playing this f**** game like you think you'll stop it.Get the fuck out of the game

  6. I hope he takes all their money and waves the finger at them on his way out.. I told you billion and billions spent it all and now he's back for the US Treasury.

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