What Alternative Medicine Does Well & When It Lies | Dr. Jonathan Stea

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  1. A podcast I've listened to for years but has recently gotten sucked up into some of the pseudo-science cyclone has been talking about parasites as if almost everyone just casually has one and we ALL need to do extensive (of course, at a price) testing to rule it out. Good God, this is where we're at now.

  2. Yes there is a lot of alternative medicine that is pseudoscience. However, there is a lot of research, including randomized clinical trials and meta analysis’. Can we please have a discussion with someone in alternative medicine who is well versed in evidence based alternative medicine? I feel like this episode is invalidating alternative medicine, while it deserves a nuanced discussion. I want to where alternative medicine is placebo and where is evidence. For example Dr Ruscio tries to be as much within the available evidence as possible… would be great to have a discussion with him or similar.

  3. Mental health is just atheist for spirituality. Humans are physical as well as spiritual beings. If you ever do a 12 step program, they typically include the serenity prayer and is based on a grounding in God.

  4. The problem with psychology is that Sigmund Freud invented psychoanalysis to convince patients that they were mentally ill when in fact they had sexually assaulted by their parents. All of this he wrote into his journals, personally. So to a certain degree Andrew is right, that believing is half the battle.

  5. I never found medication nor Marijuana to be helpful when it comes to depression and anxiety. Most of these mental health disorders are trauma related , stemming from childhood and our relationships with our caregivers and those closest to us.

    To heal anxiety and depression we’ve got to address our fears and those unresolved traumas. It’s not easy , but it’s worth it 💫

    Never give up !

  6. I don’t know man. I don’t smoke anymore but I used to smoke a few times a week and i would just sit with my thoughts and feelings, i would ask myself deep questions and i would journal. It helped me get into a deeper headspace to be able to reflect like that. I feel that time of my life was very transformative. I think with a substance like cannabis and psychedelics it really depends HOW you use it.

  7. Interesting topic and it’s well-deserved. I just didn’t find the guest to be well informed in a lot of areas. It seemed that several times you were able to explain his reasoning better than he did. This took away a lot for me from the interview. I’m sure you can find others. You should look into bringing on Dr. Nassir Ghaemi, he is very well-versed and research, diagnosis, and psychiatrics

  8. Thank you so much!! Here in Europe as well we have so much misinformation and alternative things to be aware of. I am greatly worried for myself but more worried for others who can´t get right help because of the mess we have.
    I am so glad over this long video that I could finish in three days. I will definitely recommend people, organizations, health workers etc. to listen and pay attention to what you openly talked about.
    I really hope we get all misinformation and alternatives rooted out, by teaching, spreading and sharing the right sources.

  9. This clip is a little misleading. I went to the full video an in the beginning he said that its complicated because there are so many strains and so much we don't know. It doesn't work for everyone for everything, but it can help others in different situation. I think if we ever legalize it at the federal level (even if just medical or for research) we could find out exactly what strains and canabanoids help with what. Since its illegal federally were limited to what research can be done.

  10. DO medical schools were started to teach osteopathy which is quackery. They are reformed now but to suggest there is a focus on the body healing itself at these institutions that you don't find at MD schools because they were founded on a discredited philosophy verges on endorsement of quackery.

  11. I'm glad you say life coach is not good for depression, and I agree. My work insurance had me do sessions with a life coach for my burnout and depression. As soon as I it was obvious that I didnt trust the lessons they cut me out the fundings. Started to wonder if I was wrong.

  12. I think using pharmaceuticals to lose weight or curb an addiction is very different than using it to get rid of uncomfortable emotions. The line on all of these concepts are too vague. We just don’t have a specific theory of mind so we can’t solve or truly understand any of these mental health issues. We can’t even draw a functional line delineating normal and pathological. But in general, we’re gonna have to figure out what flourishing and well-being mean specifically before we can have any opinions about what to use medication for.

  13. I think a lot of the problem is that so many of us are sick of being let down by medicine too. It’s the only profession that they can get things wrong over and over or not do anything for you and still get paid, a lot. Many of us are seeking help and don’t find it. I don’t find medicine any more reliable than the alternatives I have tried.

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