1. Luna, OldBuilders here, i see that you have not expanded your chanel, how would you feel about transfering that video you made over to my chanel, im trying to consolidate 2 of my chanels into 1 as well as i got hemp vids on 2 seperate areas

  2. @SeektheCannabisTruth The oil companies sponsor DARE and all their B.S. because, if hemp goes into mass cultivation, the cost of hemp fuels will drop below petrol. I hope people with sign the industrial hemp and marijuana petitions at change.org. Hemp not pot was the real target of the original 1937 prohibition. It was convenient for the oil and paper industries that marijuana was used by people of color so they could drum up fear and hatred but big oil was and is threatened by hemp.

  3. yes, it are petrified plant materials. But also insulation, less weight and it can also be stronger, stone doesn't have fibers. Can also make ethanol, gasify wood and eat hemp. Sit yourself down, relax and think about it.

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