How to Make MagicalButter Gummies –

Here’s our #classic method of making infused gummies from scratch! Check out our Magical Gummy Mix for an even easier time: …


  1. Sooo,I've been doing this a long time. And from all my research and experience, you never ever wanna let plant matter sit for hours in hot solvent. A solvent will extract the medicine within a minute. And you wanna chill the solvent so it doesn't remove chlorophyll or the essential oil as quickly because YOU DO NOT WANT those. They are not beneficial. Proven by science. And they taste horrible.

  2. Joey u say use a half to a cup of tincture…Then u say burn down to about a quarter cup… Are you saying if u use a half cup or a full cup burn either down to a quarter cup.. Matters to me cause im actually burning down 2 cups of tincture at a time for this recipe.. Probably been bringing down to about a half to 3 quarters..

  3. I'm having issues with my gummies. I'm using canna coconut oil. My gummies aren't very strong the high is very muted. Each batch I am using 2 table spoons of cannabis oil I am using the method where I melt 60 albaneses gummies and add the oil. I know it's not the oil because I used the same oil to make cookies and the cookies are very strong. Why is the same oil giving me a different result?

  4. this is way way way way way way way way way way way…. to many ways yet? way to many steps and unnecessary ingredients. once you have your cannabis decarbed and then infused in the oven with your oil or glycerin then thats it. you mix in a pot with your water, gelatin and jello. damn i thought i was watching a split the atom guide here.

  5. 2 yrs ago…using ur old recipe at some fair, .. i used 2.5 cups of tincture to get mbo.. I made these for a family member that broke his back in 2 places plus his collarbone… And it was the ONLY thing that took away his pain and helped him sleep. I just wanted to say thank you.
    *Initially I had purchased the MBMachine for other dried medicinal herbs. It works for other medical tinctures as well. 😊

  6. Do y’all have a recipe for gummies that doesn’t require alcohol tincture? I don’t make that because of my intolerance for alcohol, so I have either VG tincture or canna butter that I can use…

  7. I love this vid
    Have a look at the chef, if you love your job you never work a day in your life.
    Don’t let the kids lick the spoon or the whisk, they get all hungry and give you the shits

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