Mentally Unstable Mom Refuses To Treat Her Violent Ideations at custody modification court hearing

Mom and dad have some serious mental health problems which came to light after the birth of their newborn baby. Grandma …


  1. This story is a mirror to that of our daughter. My husband and I adopted a 2 year old and she was in a similar situation. She is now 11 and thriving! She is intelligent and kind. It’s difficult for us in our 60’s but we wouldn’t change it for the world.

  2. The dads reaction to being told about their head lice just broke my heart. He grew up in and out of foster care. This man needs some serious therapy . I pray the Lords heals him and guides him in his roll as dad.

  3. as far as native American lineage, everybody claims they have Indian blood somewhere in their lineage I love this lawyer' are you aware of cognitive impairment being thrown around as if these experts are planning to abscond with the baby for no reason. I have never known that when a parent dies social security kicks in. Her mother is definitely minimizing for her daughter.. The mother cleaned here and there. As far as I can cee this mother and father are space cades with a grandmother in total denial. I like this judge. She seems to be a matter of fact judge although she looks like she's heard situations like this time and time again

  4. I've seen Thomas in other videos and I think they need to replace her for another one that has more of forceful attitude.. She asks question that are so mellow it does not give a true view to the seriousness of the matter. She seems to have a bit of a problem posing the problem. Is it her lack of preparedness? I don't know

  5. That grandmother is going to get that baby killed with her explaining everything away. How is she not concerned by the father's behaviour? The baby will not be safe with any of these people.

  6. It’s amazing to me how quick everyone wants the baby taken away. If CPS really cared there wouldn’t be so many children abused and even killed in foster homes. Just go watch the treadmill murder trial and then tell me CPS really cares.

  7. Both defense attorneys are ridiculous. Especially the one who argued that if mom is mentally impaired she can’t sign any legal documents, but argues a child should be placed under her care. Grandma is wanting to pack everyone up and move them all back to WA, where she’ll block CPS from getting involved there. I hope the baby is well taken care of and CPS doesn’t drop the ball on this or he’ll end up being another statistic.

  8. Something is up with the SS benefits. She wouldn’t be still be receiving survivor’s benefits and qualifying for SSI would have to be proven. Also, isn’t there a periodic reenrollment/qualification process take place (similar to yearly proof needed for SNAP benefits)? Grandma doesn’t seem to be honest. SOMEONE had to apply for SSI. Jackie doesn’t sound capable.

  9. I wonder how mr McFarland would come to court and give his great apologies when the child’s dead from neglect never understand what lawyers feel defending the indefensible is a good job !
    I couldn’t do it

  10. Mum is NOT drawing a check on her Deceased Father at 24 years old.
    The lawyer should have asked..why after 18 years old was Mum drawing disability benefits….definitely a psych or cognitive disability.

  11. As someone who watches loads of these something always saddens me in the middle of all the testamony. That is how many siblings end up seperated and as adults dont know where the others end up. It so unfair on their whole being and affects them forever. Those of is who grew up in safe secure loving homes can never know what deeply imprints in children of neglect and the system.😢

  12. They immigrated from Mexico, but she’s been getting survivors benefits from social security since she was four along with her mother? They may have immigrated legally, but not likely. I wonder why social security is running out?

  13. i am now half way through this case. I dont understand how this grandma thinks that she is capable of raising this newborn baby. s she is lying out her ass about a lot of things on the stand. i feel that she most defintely would allow these horrid people to live with her to see this child. the baby should stay in this foster home and hopefully become adopted by those people. this family should not be anywhere near this child at all, the bio family . that grandma is making a shit ton of wxcuses for those parents. its sad that none of them have the best interest of the baby in their hearts.

  14. This is so disturbing. I hope they ask more about ss, like how long is she scheduled to get it. Wonder if granny is carrying lice, having cleaned up the dump. Oh..I'd give parenting time, supervised, then there is another person to testify. Sad. This is why I hate to see impaired ppl having kids. Everyone so fast to say..they'd make great parents! But their chances of having these issues like when to feed, keeping their cool, is going to be higher risk just due to the very same cognitive issues that get them diagnosed. Sad situation, I'm glad dcsf got on top of this one.

  15. hold on a second, this so called "mom" thought her baby had died because it peed? are we serious right now? all of us who have children have been first time parents at one point in time, this is not first time parent reactions, wtf is wrong with these people, they need sterilized IMMEDIATLY!!!!! im tired and pretty sure i spelled that wrong but that is insane, some of the shit i heard with this hearing and these people are even allowed supervised visits amazes me, i didnt get through the entire trial yet im just speculating at this point because they are in court. i dont understand why they are allowed to be in a civilized society …wow…just wow…. i dont even know what else to say.

  16. I am so curious about why mom gets benefits. Social security doesn’t give disability just because a child needed an IEP. I have a feeling this poor child is in for a very rough life. Grandma is not a good option based on her excuses and vague confusing answers. I was especially horrified that neither parent works but grandma cleaned the house? Also the lack of desire by both parents to bond with baby. One of the most basic needs of a baby is that bonding. I would love love love to be able to go to hospitals in situations like this and just baby cuddle, one of life’s great pleasure. It is so lovely to just comfort and take in new baby smell and the miracle of new life.

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