What’s the REAL Truth About Librela and Solensia Injections for Pets?

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  1. Thank you. This was being pushed hard by several animal chiros I know. They said it had helped many in their practice. I wasn't sure and did my research and wasn't impressed with the side effect profile.

  2. I had my cat on Silensia and he has a skin reaction. When I called the vet, first thing they said was it was not a side effect of Silensia…. When I brought her in and asked about alternatives they suggested treating the skin and then putting him back on it because some cats develop a resistance. I definitely felt they were more interested in selling the drug than my cats health. Disgusting to suggest putting him back on it. Time for a new vet.

  3. Thank you for spreading the word. My cat was given this and lost control of her back legs, can’t use her claws, looks drugged out. She almost died last week because of it. Luckily she made it through but the damage it did will likely shorten her life.

  4. thank you SOOOO much for this; my dog is getting librela and i will stop; she is losing weight with your diet suggestions which appears to be helping as much. She seems to be in pain when not on librela so idk if as doc is saying, she's just damaging her injuries worse; at first was great because she was running and playing more ; only thing I saw was more lumps but sh'es also older so it's ahrd to tell; so following advice and give her better food and the dogs actually LOVE carrots and apples 🙂

  5. I was giving my 17 year old dog pet lab co joint support since he had very bad arthritis. And he was back to normal after about 2 weeks.

    I took him to my vet for a check up and vet told me about this shot and I trusted the vet and gave it without researching. My poor Charlie lost went into full arthitis shut down a couple days after and couldn't stand at all. Not even to go pee or poop. I had to put him down as he had a rapid decline. I feel so guity and it still eats at me till this day. RIP my friend June 1 2024.

  6. My cat had one injection. She was howling so loud, staring at nothing and then she would try so hard to lift her back leg to scratch at her neck. Her back end is what the problem is so thankfully she couldn't but at the same time I think she was going nuts from not being able to. The day after the injection I found a fb group with the horrible side effects that pets were going through and didn't get another injection. She's going on 17, and there is no reason for her to suffer more than she already is and become another statistic of this drug. My husband and I decided pain management was the way to go. Our vet again insisted on giving her more injections, but I have since declined and will continue to do so.

  7. A few different vets have pressured me to put my dog on Librela. I kept saying no and I just continued with gabapentin for arthritis pain. I kept telling the vets I’m OK with giving a pill everyday. Vets sure are pushing Librela. Thank you so much for doing this video! Very much appreciated ❤

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