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  1. I liked that Ativan
    I was going thru some alcohol withdrawals and was convulsions here n there and the nurse grabbed the doc and they gave me Ativan in my vein , it helped a lot but I would still convulse the iv popped out and it got kinda bloody , nurse fixed me up n the doc said give me more lol I was in lala land they put me in some room with painted cinder block walls and a the bed on wheels and a light, it was perfect, that stuff really really worked I signed up for rehab there I think I was sober for 8 months before I did that. Crap again, now I’m fine , just kinda know I’m gonna slip again, but I’ve been fighting it off good plus my looks really bounced back
    I’m like wow that’s me 😊lol

  2. i think i might have accidentally been drugged before i had empierced VERY similar symptoms to dpt on night after smoking some weed with my friends i tossed and turned all night saw people walking around my apartment heard footsteps all around me like busy street without the rest of the noise tried to take my own face off and was convinced i wasn't in my own body i didn't know who where or what i was i splashed water on my face got chased by shadows and spoke to my walls which appeared to be melting i don't know if the weed was spiked or just really strong it got bad enough i started punching my bed and screaming because i thought it was eating me. needless to say those people are not my friends anymore

  3. I was a fr fr psychonaut back in my day, im talking 4000ug of liquid lsd on sugar cubes, smoking 20 js and tripping for a half a day, never wanna touch the things in this video and now im only keeping to ibotenic conversion mushrooms and cigarettes in a nice and chill place

  4. when youre going through opiod withdrawals, you experience some crazy dreams.
    When I do have a vivid dream, I can always fly, idk when i learned how to fly, probably 10 years ago.
    its awesome. can fly like 30-40 mph lol

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