Hemp educate innovate cultivate | Tony Budden | TEDxCapeTown

Tony promotes the use of industrial hemp as a sustainable and eco-friendly solution. Hemp can provide jobs, housing, nutrition …


  1. Hemp is psychoactive and make you high, you just need several dozen times more. Of course it's hard or rather impossible to smoke that amount at one time, but you can eat that or make an extract.

  2. So much talk about climate change, here is a plant that locks up carbon, cleans the soil.Then we can use it to built a home, make cloths to wear, and eat the seeds to live. WTF.The only problem, the 1% will start losing profit, so it is supressed.

  3. Horsefeathers. Very SUPERIOR fibre comes from 'dope' rather than "hemp" …hemp is a breeding program from the 1970's as part of the Drug War Agenda. Semantics. Pure Orwellian BS. Hemp=Marijuana=Cannabis

  4. Food, clothing, shelter, fuel & medicine. Plus it sucks up CO2 like a demon. P.S. "Hemp" is a breeding exercise dating from 1974 in France as part of the global "drug war"…. not the other way around. Prior to that, all "hemp" was cannabis ie: marijuana. The MAJORITY of strains worldwide are directly and genetically related to the "drug" strains according to Robert Clarke.

    Thankyou in anticipation of a constructive consideration and a positive response to this report by Henri Dowd, Chairman of the Church of Nature, and Director of Green Hemp Peace. The truth is our greatest foundation. The truth is in Nature and the Truth has set us FREE in the peace, love and harmony, hope, faith and trust in Mother Nature to meet the challenges with confidence in the pursuit of excellence. Hemp for Victory.Facts on Hemp & Prohibition – Internet Research on the cause and effect impact of Prohibition of Hemp and the resulting Dupont based systems monopoly of paper, plastics, fuel and fibre processing, and the supply and demand effects of subsequent human activity on Climate Change post 20th Century Industrial Age and the Plight of the Green Age Revolution in the name of survival success and further Evolution of the Human species and Industry harmonization throughout the Third Millennium @ Peace with Mother Nature: Prohibition of Hemp which begun in the 1930's in the USA has caused global climate change. Crude Oil and Deforestation as we now know are the major causes of the change in climate controls. Alternatively Hemp produces Ethanol which is a clean burning bio-fuel and is a carbon negative solution, it is the safest bio-fuel known to mankind. Hemp also produces archival quality paper which was used to invent paper in China over 2 thousand years ago. Hemp extracts 5 times more carbon emissions than we produce at a ratio of 2 hectares to one human. This ratio represents 50 million hectares in Australia to reverse climate change and must be grown worldwide before 2045 when crude oil ends. Australia was originally planned to be a hemp colony. Queen Elizabeth the first ordered all her farmers to grow 10% Hemp for the survival of the colony. Hemp is a carbo-hydrate/oxygen model and is carbon negative with carbon dioxide extraction process whereas crude oil/petroleum is a hydro-carbon/carbon dioxide model. 10% of Australia's farmspace is equal to 50 million hectares.
    Global Warming is REVERSABLE with Hemp Carbon Sequestration. Hemp produces 4 times more paper per hectare than trees. Hemp has 77% cellulous and grows in 110 days on farmspace, compared to trees which have only 33% cellulous and grow in a lifetime and are our forests carbon banks / oxygen supply.  Hemp was the world's largest crop before prohibition. Cannabis Cures Cancer in 5 ways – Anti-Proliferative, Anti-Metastatic, Anti-Angiogenic, Apoptotic, Anti-Oxidant. Hemp is as safe and simple as a cup of herbal tea. Cannabis Oil is a medicinal plant extract which has been successful with treating 250 types of Health Problems including scientifically proven cure for cancer, depression and aggression et al. Hemp has 50,000 green age uses including paper, plastics, bio-fuel which is clean burning and non toxic, textiles, food, medicine, building materials, hempcrete, paint, solvent, cosmetics, automotive parts, fibre-composites,UV repellant sun screen, bread & milk, vitamins & minerals.
    Hemp also produces the strongest textile fibre known to man, stronger than nylon made by Dupont. Hemp also produces a bio-degradable plastic which is eco-friendly because it self destructs in landfill over time to zero waste as in nature all matter in the forests and permaculture reduces to zero waste. Hemp is Natural and Safe. Hemp seeds are a vital food source which contains no THC. Hemp seeds contain vitamins a,b,d,e and 3 micro and 3 macro nutrients and minerals and omega 3 and 6. It also contains a rich oil. THC found in the Flowers of the Hemp plant is a cure for cancer and a euphoriant which stimulates theta brain waves. The chemical THC acts like the naturally occurring anandamide and works like a key in a lock in CB1 and CB2 receptors known as the endo-cannabinoid biological system.
    THC relieves stress, relaxes the muscles and enhances pleasure by stimulating the neuro-receptors in the brain. THC is known to induce feelings of happiness, laughter, contentment and joy. THC is safe. There is no Over Dose with Hemp. THC does not effect driving skills and is not an excuse for revenue raising nor driver's license cancellation which subsequently would cause a crisis worldwide in victims of political harassment. THC, CBN, CBD and the other 63 chemicals found in the plant have been used as medicine to treat approximately 250 health problems for 5,000 years in China.
    Hemp as a "Recreational" Drug is often compared to Alcohol and Tobacco, yet both these addictive substances are not medicine and are legal and cause illness and death. Hemp is safer than both Alcohol and Tobacco and less addictive than coffee and doesn't ever cause illness or death.
    Prohibition of Hemp as renamed with the alias "Marihuana" by Harry J. Anslinger was a conspiracy begun in the 1930's to protect Dupont and his four patents including paper made from forest trees which contributed to 45% deforestation of our carbon bank/oxygen supply and endangerment and extinction of species and global warming. Plastics which cause landfill problems for a thousand years. Fuel which pollutes our atmosphere and causes health problems and Global Warming which causes climate change, sea level rises and dangerous storms which causes flooding, destruction and depression in the economy.
    Prohibition causes mistruths from Government & Nation, poverty, mental illness, unemployment, suffering, fear, incarceration and death (murder and suicide) and causes family crisis worldwide. Government support of Dupont is to blame.
    Dupont is responsible for the conspiracy which caused the prohibition of Hemp, the genocide of species, drug war, civil war, oil wars and subsequent climate change. Dupont is also responsible for causing the incarceration of approximately 20,000,000 people in America. Dupont is responsible for prohibition of the cure for cancer and 250 other illnesses. Dupont is one of the richest men in the world because of the prohibition of hemp conspiracy. Dupont's leading scientist committed suicide two weeks after prohibition began.
    Dupont funded several movies and newspaper reports by William Randolph Hearst, designed to attack Hemp the competition to Dupont's paper, plastics, fuel and fibre patents. These media broadcasts where used to brainwash the government and the public into believing Hemp under the new name "Marihuana" was dangerous and "maddened victims" yet the truth is Hemp medicine was marketed in chemists as safe medicine used for thousands of years. A report in the Popular Mechanics magazine outlined Hemp as a Billion Dollar crop which threatened the viability of Hearst's Newspaper Company and Dupont's Chemical Company. The US treasurer was Dupont's Banker and related by marriage to Harry J. Anslinger the Head of the newly formed Drug Enforcement Agency of the late 1930's when prohibition began.
    Hemp has been farmed for approximately 12,000 years. One of the oldest man-made artifacts is of hemp clothing. The first USA flag and constitution were made from Hemp fibre and paper. The first Bible was made of Hemp. Hemp was the first crop grown in America. Dupont is the most dangerous man in Human History and committed "the greatest crime of the 20th century" responsible for 10.5 million cancer deaths a year which equates to 790 million deaths since 1937. The Nazi's, USA, Australian and British Government all support Dupont. Dupont is guilty of industrial sabotage.
    Prohibition is basically laws based on lies. It is a classic case of conspiracy to sabotage the Hemp industry which would otherwise compete well with Dupont and Pharmaceutical Companies.
    The Universal Human Rights Act (UHR48) states "Everyone has the right to Medical Care" since 1948. Basically there is no logical reason why Hemp should be banned. Hemp is Safe and Superior and Historically Successful from Seed to Salvation @ Peace with Mother Nature. 
    The Bible, 12 US Presidents, 124,000 Doctors, Royalty, Green Hemp Peace, 18.75 Million Australians, the Prime Minister, 96% of all Americans, and the current US President all support the Full Legalization of Hemp for Medicine – known also as (Medical Cannabis or Medical Marijuana), Hemp Paper, Hemp Bio-Plastics, Food, Bio- Fuel, Fibre, Hempcrete, and 50,000 different bio-products for the 3rd Millennium as a positive, safe and secure natural solution to global warming, deforestation, crude oil end, crude oil wars and the cancer crisis in accordance with the Universal Human Rights 1948 LAW.
    How Change Happens… Whether it was the gay rights movement, the civil rights movement, the women's movement, ending the drug war or the fight for $15 minimum wage, change always happens when millions of people demand it. When the American people stand up and fight, they win.Thankyou.

  6. Hemp material for building is also fireproof and mold resistant, regulates the temperature and cleans up the air, but is forbidden to grow in America. The only variety left, not thrown out by politicians in the 50'ies, in Sweden, is also forbidden in Sweden but I did manage to buy some hemp material there for insulation so something they do have now.

  7. Cannabis and Hemp are the SAME PLANT.  Same Species Cannabis Sativa l, There is no difference from the fibers of one VS the other.  some of what he's saying is obviously slanted towards, the drug war :(.  But the rest of the info is decently accurate.

  8. Umm. Calling hemp a different plant from marijuana is incorrect. The plant is called cannabis. There are different strains and by growing it differently it can produce what we know as marijuana and hemp. But it's the same plant.

  9. legalization of this plant does something much worse than its prohibition, it gives the governments the right to decide for us what we can/cannot use.
    what needs to happen is decriminalization.
    i would also like to add as he only touched on it for a moment and did not fully explain it, hemp can produce 4 times the amount of paper pulp when compared to trees, also it takes 4 months from seed to harvest compared to 20+ years for most trees.
    book for more information: 'the emperor wears no clothes'

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