How Medical Marijuana Works, and Which Conditions It Treats | Doctor ER

A real medical doctor, Jordan Wagner explains how medical marijuana is used to treat chronic pain, illnesses, and the …


  1. For the last two years I have had really bad stomach issues. I could deal with them at the beginning but now their worse. I am finally seeing a gastroenterologist next month. But for pain relief I depend on pot oil. I was reeling from the pain 2 hours ago. I vaped just two little hits. My stomach is relaxed, I am relaxed and I am not in horrible pain anymore. What a huge and amazing difference!! This is what I use for my pain medication. So much better then more pills being added to my life. I live in Canada so it’s totally legal everywhere.

  2. The fact that we have endo-cannabinoid systems, that are naturally made into our DNA. Also the fact that there are receptors in our brain that triggers feel good hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin. Then, why is it, that the government says that cannabinols has no health benefits. Huh! 😂

  3. i have taken thc and hemp gummies for over 7 years every 6 to 4 hours around the clock. I have ALS C9 and ALS2 gene carrier. Lost my father and grandfather to als. and i started when i got diagnosed. It also put my breast cancer into remission after a lumpectomy. and kept it from spreading. I am in my 8th year of als. and just have to do check ups on the cancer now no chemo or rastion or pills I just take the thc and hemp as i do for my als. I am still mobil and talk and take care of myself. it has slowed or almost stopped my progression. I just deal with some things i had before i started it.

  4. Long time recreational user and gave up 8 months ago. I have just been diagnosed with functional Neurological disorder and suffer from myoclonus seizures. (Involuntary body jerks) didn't want to buy or smoke again so bought some legal HHC oil which is very close to THC and some CBD…The movements stopped immediately after it kicked in, about an hour and I get about 24 hrs before they start back up. I have found if I take it at night, I will sleep through the high and get the benefits the next day

  5. Pharmacuticals DO NO HARM. Drs dont tell you precribed DRUGS (They are drugs too) can and will kill you. Look up side effects on your meds – Death is on almost all, if not all. I am not saying cannabis cant have negative effects too – its not a cure all, But it has NEVER killed anyone.

  6. Thank you SO much for this video!! It is VERY informative!! I have had fibromyalgia for over 30 years. I have used marijuana on and off (currently ON for hypertonic pelvic floor dysfunction since July 2023). How do I know the best route & strain to use for the pain I am having?

  7. No benefit ay.. Went from a opioid addict who slept 4h every night and had no appetite to sleeping 8h per night and gained 20kg in 8 months with dronabinol/cannabidol, cannabis have made my life so much better

  8. It also makes me artistic and thus helps in home car repair – therefore I think mechanical marijuana should be legal, especially in dumb states, like Alabama and Tennessee.

  9. Obviously, medical marijuana treats lack of motivation (lack of laziness), too much energy, and not having the munchies. So it's being recognized as an anti-wonder drug, will be in a pharmacy near you, and covered by ins. Please write me a subscription – I mean PREscription. – And lick me. (You know where). I mean, like me. And don't smoke CBD! I tried, but it must have been fake, because I didn't get high.

  10. Great video with a lot of information. I am a chronic pain patient and have been taken off of oxycodone. My life is now a living hell and IBU'S are my only pain medication. I have arthritis throughout my spine, SI joints and feet, peripheral neuropathy from Guillain Barre syndrome and a multitude of other issues. I asked my doctor about marijuana for pain and she said to give it a try but I am extremely hesitant. It feels like I'm doing something illegal but I'm desperate to find some relief.

  11. Hem birde devlet bunu yasal yaptı. Eeee neden yasal yapti. Tarihte ulkedeki zencileri neden uyusturucu maddelere mecbur biraktiysa simdide herkesi uyusturuyorlar. Sizce devlet ne pesinde olabilir? Think!!! Think!! Think!!

  12. Arkadasim medical weed kullaniyor. Ruhsal Dengesiz, cildinden birseyler kullanildigi anlasiliyor, seri olarak anlasilir derecede yalan soyluyor, bir bakarsin aktif bir uyusuk. Bir mutlu bir mutsuz. Belki kullaninca kendi akillarinca iyi hissediyorlar ama disaridan bakan icin hic iyi gorunmuyorlar. Ve asla duzelemeyecek dengesizlikleri oluyor. Paranoia, by polar, dengesizlik, hirsiklik tum kullananlarda var.

  13. I find it to be the best sleep aid I ever used. I often have had insomnia as far back as when I was a kid, I tried melatonin and some kind of blood pressure medicine that a doctor prescribed(It sucked because both made it very difficult to wake up in the morning and stay awake, especially when I had to go to school). I went to a state where pot is legal for recreational use and bought some edibles a few years back. It was some of the best sleep I've had in a long time and the only side effects I had to deal with were euphoria and increased appetite. This plant's federal prohibition needs to be lifted imo.

  14. I cannot speak highly enough of the benefits, I typically use vape pens and wish more potent edibles and oils were available in my state, NJ.
    I use medically for chronic pain related to a childhood back injury, 3 years ago I had my spine fused (L5/S1) and needed to quit opiates and other addictive medications. While the pain relief isn't the same as prescription pain killers, accepting the new style and avenue of pain relief vastly reduces the stresses of chronic pain in my life.
    For its muscle relaxing qualities I find it as useful as a flexeril, big win! While it takes the edge off of pain, it doesn't "feel" as good as opiates- meaning there's more body awareness when I treat with marijuana, my pain is never fully numb. It seems like that would be a drawback but it keeps me aware of what my true daily limitations are instead of masking symptoms to push through injuries, making them worse.
    I still have bad pain days but I have increased the frequency and consistency of a less interrupted lifestyle. Unexpected ways MM negatively impacts my life…
    -limited travel
    -colds/coughs last longer since vaping
    -limited employment opportunities
    -social stigma
    -incredibly expensive medication

  15. Medical benefits? I trust the science but I trust my survival even more. While I know my case is considered anecdotal but it is not only medicine… is a great medicine. My highly functional family…..raised by a pothead would agree. 40 year type1 diabetic and 20 year survivor of stage IV testicular cancer. I have seen more than most. It works.

  16. Medical Cannabis and a Good Diet are a medical necessity for all those of us who have been innocently and ignorantly consuming such hard to avoid Mitochondrial Poisonous Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oils in our diets and got one or more of many more modern thus Metabolically Caused Diseases and CANCERS. These barely existed before about 1900 when industrially manufactured Vegetable Seed Oils and foods started becoming available. You need to exclude all manufactured snacks, takeaways, restaurant fried and manufactured foods to avoid all these vegetable oils. The ideal solution for ultimate healthy longevity is to go fully VEGAN and take Cannabis Supplementation to boost your damaged Endocannabinoid System until you are better (maybe 2 years or so) while getting all vegetable seed extract, typical industrially refined cooking oils out of your diet. You certainly can use some polysaturated animal food-based oil/fat, that is in all animal products if you are not quite so ill or worried about living as long as reasonably possible while remaining perfectly healthy. Best luck from your optimally self reeducated and friendly family Dr David who wants to see you be actually cured of all the modern diseases that are definitely so dietary-based in origin. I can send you a 75-page information booklet on medical cannabis and a suitable diet from email;

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