’s Laura Hancock and Spectrum News 1’s Curtis Jackson discussed the home grow provisions of the recreational …
The year 2021 and Ohio is stuck in the 60's with the mentality that those old videos in grade school that used to show how weed would make you some crazed whacko…Legal or not…weed is so easy to get nothing will stop people from buying it..Ohio just spends millions in tax money trying to bust people for it when other states use the tax dollars from the sale of it to support their citizens needs with education , roads and communities needs
We offer ~~~ shelf ~~~~~~~ grade A+ marijuana and recreational marijuana at affordable prices.we can also offer door to door delivery and nearby distance and to other part of the cities/states. Text: Seven Twenty/Five eighty….Twenty one/Twenty four Snapchat; smith4real20
The year 2021 and Ohio is stuck in the 60's with the mentality that those old videos in grade school that used to show how weed would make you some crazed whacko…Legal or not…weed is so easy to get nothing will stop people from buying it..Ohio just spends millions in tax money trying to bust people for it when other states use the tax dollars from the sale of it to support their citizens needs with education , roads and communities needs
Check out Mah hommie page on Insta @cali_bestflavour for good ⛽️
Hey guys, I'm referring you to the most reliable and trustworthy plug I have ever known, please feel free to contact him on snapchat: benjaminweed420
Michigan is raking in Ohio money. I know MANY patients who can't afford Ohio prices & leave state to purchase. Let's keep our money here, Ohio!
We should be able to grown our own for personal use only nothing more not all of us have the money to afford our medicine everyday
We offer ~~~ shelf ~~~~~~~ grade A+ marijuana and recreational marijuana at
affordable prices.we can also offer door to door delivery and nearby distance and to other part of the cities/states.
Seven Twenty/Five eighty….Twenty one/Twenty four
Snapchat; smith4real20
Hurp hurp lock it up hurp hurp. Stupidity. I want my fucking plant to have sun, not be in an artificial environment. This is disgusting of Ohio.
When will growing in Ohio be aloud?
This would be amazing if this passes
hopefully this passes !
We are ready to ship to another region where we don't have our plugs there.Start by texting me use the password Its a free world
We have both indica, sativa and hybrid
Spchat:… smith4real20
Please contact via…. Seven Twenty/Five eighty….Twenty one/Twenty four
That's the only way to do it!" ☝😝💨💨👍
Why is this not on channel 8 or channel 19 or channel 5 it needs to be known?
Banning citizens from growing tomatoes would make as much sense as banning marijuana does, now that both Nixon and Nancy Reagan are gone.
You should be able to grow your own medicine.
Yes. Imagine being on the road with people who smoke weed and drink too! Gosh.