Its 2024… yet the war on cannabis continues



  1. God created Cannabis for a purpose. We now know that purpose. Through research we now know cannabis has healing benefits. If this true, those who are against it and hinder people from taking it and instead promote man made medicine, are ignorant and deceive. And they will be punished by God.

  2. THC is patented by the healt department as a protective anti oxidant that protects the brains neurons from degradations. In the genesis thereis a receip of how jesus used cannabis as a holy oil. Now lets see what the nazis satanits massmurderers fraudsters thievs and racists say about it .

    Remember that Anthony Antslinger made cannabis illegal .

    So this is the man who made cannabis illegal and filled the prisons with patients.

    Quote from the man himselfs.

    Marijuana makes darkies think they are as good as the white men.

    If the hideous monster frankenstein came face to face with marijuana he would drops dead of fright. Marijuana is the most violend drug in the history of mankind. The deadly dreadful poisen that racks and tears not only the body but the wery heart and soul of every human being who ince becomes a slave to it in any of its cruel and devastating forms…Marijuana is a short cut to the insidane asylum. Smoke marihuana cigarettes for a month and what was once your breain will be nothing but a storehouse of hirrid spocters . Hasheesh makes a murder who kills for the love of killing out of the mildest mannered man who ever laughed at the idea that any habit could ever get him, The deleterious even vicious qualities of the drig render it highly dangeours to the mind and body upn wich it operated to destroy the will cause one to lose power of connected thought producing imaginary delectable situations and graudally weakening the physical powers of its USE frequencly leads to insanity.

    What conculsion can we draw from this?

    Anyone that promotes prohobition of cannabis deserves the death penalty and the electric chair.

    We dont need to fill the prisons with patients to create gangs that do terrorcrimes and how many nations didnt steal billions from us health departement this way in patent rights.

    Only criminal nations criminal goverments and criminal states do it.

    Nazis racists and satanists. PER FACT.

    Nations that fallowed antslingers example are fashist nations no doubt of it. Anti christi ideology nations.

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