Medical Marijuana For Kids With Severe Conditions? Attitudes May Be Shifting

Medical marijuana is a legal treatment for adult ailments in 36 states, but it’s not approved for children. Some doctors believe it’s …


  1. Cannabis heals over 10,000 different ailments there is nothing On this planet that compares to the power and potency and efficiency with this miracle plant. It should be legal worldwide and alcohol be banned!!!

  2. There’s been plenty of research the federal government does not want to admit that there are medical properties with the marijuana because if they admit it pharmaceutical companies will go out of business. It’s all about the money.

  3. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL SOMEONE HACKING YOUR SYSTEM AROUND 4AM TO 5AM ,LIKE CELLPHONE OR COMPUTER ? Health threat is real beaware marijuana and cannabis users….. yep a 5 star unknown sorces on the things past 8 years ago wow you are a 5 star behind of not doing the job … i would of been dead by a real sleeper cell 2nd for those are marijuana and cannabis FAVORITISM . AND YOUR A REAL HEALTH THREAT . Keep it by real federal law all the time check and get it from a place that you used to get it at .. oh ya your real muders .

  4. “Not approved for use for kids”…🙄
    As someone who has been using Medical Cannabis (legally) in California since I was 15 yrs old, I’m genuinely confused by that statement as it’s extremely false in many instances. Thousands of children (minors) have used Medical Cannabis LEGALLY!

  5. Well we're Republican majority in Arkansas and we got it approved with majority support on both sides. Right and left pushed for it and it passed smiling from both ends. Every fellow Republican I know wanted it passed just like me. I'm an epileptic conservative and always wanted complete legalization.

  6. Imagine if it can be time release medication. He’ll be like almost a normal child. You have to look at the good that it benefits the patient and it’s a natural plant. Only thing why medical professionals are not for this treatment imagine of millions of dollars lost for the doctor and medical hospitals taken away from them. Just saying.

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