1. Yes and medical canvas is not supposed to be in pill form when it grows it grows on a plant and oil is the recommend and saying right now not to do it because the coronavirus it cuz it takes so Long's I feel they should legalize for medical use only for flower form

  2. wow im from ny and thats sooo messed up.. i know alot of people are not gonna be happy about this. us new yorkers are firm beleivers in quality and regulation and this isnt gonna do anything but keep the illegal bud market going especially the dealers that market to sick people because they need to smoke bud or waxs for pain. this is very upsetting news. im very disappointed in my state.. im gearing up to open a grow/dispensary in s.c. the day they legalize.

  3. thank you newyork  ……for nothing at all…….   THIS MEDICAL PLAN IS A JOKE!!   JUST LEGALIZE CANNABIS AND WATCH THE SKY….   NOT FALL!!!!!!!!        , ALCOHOL IS LEGAL, AND HAS, AND WILL,   KILL MORE AND MORE ADULTS, KIDS AND DESTROY FAMILYS THRU ALCOHOLISM alone ……CANNABIS ALONE HAS NEVER KILLED ONE PERSON…….BUT I CAN LEGALY MAKE WINE OR BEER At HOME AND ///////EVEN  KIDS CAN MAKE BOOZE SECRETLY.          AND AS KIDS TEND TO DO WITH MOST THINGS  MOM AND DAD SAY ARE HARMFULL.THEY tend to  XPLORE AND EXPERIMENT   BOOZE IS GENERALY THE FIRST THING, and can be the last, with 1 to many drinks and a hospital call that your child died as a result of alcohol poisoning.     AN booze CAN BE MADE IN A SODA BOTTLE IN THEIR CLOSET WITH ONLY FRUIT AND YEAST OH…AND U TUBE..HAHHAHAHAHAHA …DRINK IT STUMBLE INTO A TRAIN OR CAR AND DIE.   OR..YOU COULD HELP THEM AND ALL OF NYS RESIDENTS MAKE A SAFER CHOICE.   AT THE APPROPRIATE AGE  OFCOURSE ….AND LIVE!…. NO MATTER HOW MUCH CANNABIS ANYONE INTAKES     .IT STILL WONT BE ENOUGH  TO KILL ANYONE!…..      BAN HOME BREWING OF ALCOHOL..ESPECIALY IF YER NOT GONNA LEGALIZE THE WEED 70+ % NY'ERS  ARE SMOKING   RIGHT    NOW……see folks it is easy….  weed is out there.   NOW ..everywhere  YOUR HOOD MY HOOD AND THEIR HOOD, its at your kids school mainly around 7th grade sometimes sooner… your kids are trying it.  then lying  to you.  if you dont believe that..your the nieve parent getting duped…or CONGRATS 2 U… u honestly have a honest kid…which is quite an oxymoron today.   BUT JUST INCASE      #marijuanaissaferthanalcohol .  IF NY  just legalized only 6 plant homegrowing, EQUALING.. 4 mature plants, 2 starts.or babies.        .       . no stores selling no personal sale or trading. no dispensing…i mean did yall forget the good book? ….. god put all plant bearing seed or seed bearing plant  , here for us TO USE.   not lock people up for $$$$$$/   think about this…..   poison ivy is 1000% legal..causes suffering can kill people with weakend immune systems. allergies etc… AND TO PUT A CHERRY ON TOP.it can simply be made into a  mace type spray,    with a blender,  strainer and oliveoil into a spraybottle….. if one so chose to do so could.spray it on a door handle and the rash spreads….over and over… anything THAT has been sprayed is conaminated but no one is banning POISONivy…..do u see the problem yet??? …….    but cannabis is a naughty plant says that neo-ny god aka master cuomo…he will imprison you for using cannabis as an alternative to opiates and more harmful substances????     does that sound sane?      no……we are not a "free" country….not when we allow harmless, infact usefull  plants  to be banned,      so go  spank yourself for believing that cuomo was a good choice…..hes only in this for the money. not the healing of sick kids and adults…. or freedom of choice//////    hes a goon and a  tampon for money……  he'll sop it up anywhere it might flow near him, and then get toxic shock and claim its not working and im shutting this weed program down…….     bet $ on that!!!!!!!!                                        what he wont say is ..this dont work cus i screwed up with my bull dooky "amendments

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