1. "Does lentil contain beef?", someone will ask in a barely relevant place on the internet, awaiting indefinitely for someone to maybe give them the answer, when Google could tell them pretty much instantly.

  2. Just wait until the world starts passing you by faster than your old and deteriorating brain can keep up with it because this is going to be you sooner than you think. Who will be laughing then? I promise it won’t be you!

  3. I wouldn't want to live with the nightmares I'd get from finding out my grandfather is googling prn. 🤮
    (They both died decades ago, before anyone says anything)

  4. What sound does a spring doorstop make? It's the sound Corgis use to call faeries. We had a Corgi who used the boinger at night to amuse herself — at least that's what my wife says. I'm pretty sure that Corgis use boingers to let the faeries know where they are.

    Listening to faeries is what makes Corgis get into mischief. Whatever you do, DON"T let your Corgis listen to the faeries!

    Actually, a lot of dogs love playing with boingers. Let 'em! If they're playing with boingers, they're not getting into some other mischief.

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