1. Women will run…if you go to the gym don’t do it. The guy lifting next to me reeked of armpit..it was making me nauseous I had to move. Couldn’t even concentrate…. 🤢

  2. I changed to a carnivore diet, and that has been 1. Only 1 there are MANY benefits i have seen, and this has been 1 of the side effects of a carnivore diet. I hardly ever have a smell from my arm pits, and it's only after having spices.

  3. There are homemade deodorants you can use. Don't wear vinegar in an office environment lol. You need stuff that kills the bacteria and some baking soda…

  4. I'm on board with this. Been quite a few years now. Rarely am I asked about it, and neither is this guy. But, I have been told people like my natural scent, and I do, too. No deodorant is a win-win for me. Americans have a weird relationship with nature, though. I have not lost any business from it, yet. And yes, a good diet it's important. And a shower with basic soap or at least baking soda after gym or sex is pretty important, too.

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