CBD Hemp Oil for Dogs and Pets – Seizure Treated INSTANTLY

Get 15% with the coupon code: PETS15 Visit American Hemp Oil Here: …


  1. Can you please tell me where to buy CBD oil for my dog? I adopted an 8yr old Pekingense from the humane society 2 weeks ago and has epilepsy. He's had 2 seizures and the vet I went to see prescribed valium to help manage his seizures but, I've noticed he's becoming depressed and crying at night. Thank you

  2. I love seeing videos like this, thank you for helping spread the word about CBD oil! For anybody interested in learning more about CBD feel free to contact me at kevinshroads@gmail.com. I work with a company that makes high quality CBD tinctures like the one in this video and I would love to help spread the word to anyone who is curious.

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