Mushrooms for Concussions (Lion’s Mane + C.B.D)

From athletics to workplace accidents, concussions are common but serious injuries that can take a toll on someone’s quality of …


  1. Last year i was attacked by someone with a weapon. I'm having trouble remembering words when i speak and my balance used to be perfect now my balance is terrible. I don't think I'll ever fix my brain 100% but i hope to at least try something

  2. Dude I think your experience placebo. Cod and lions mane doesn’t mix good. Cbd is a stimulant. Lol cbd is not good for sleep ! That’s thc is for. Thc is also real lot good for ptsd and ptsd related nightmare because it helps you forget. Don’t take lions mane if you have ptsd . You’ll have flashbacks and retraumatize yourself. I have them all the time. I’m just kind of addicted to lions mane and know how to cope lol 😅. I still get benefits from it though! Not everything is side effect free man fuck! But anyways if you take lions mane ferment it to get rid of any heavy metals mushrooms are bioaccumulates. Raw is probably also better than cooked

  3. Good vid. I had a major major TBI in 2016. I had to relearn and reboot my brain… shortly after the injury and after listening to Paul staments, I began a daily regiment of lions mane. I was already a daily cannabis user, but then added some cbd/thc gummies to the mix for pain management. Im convinced mushies (medical and phylicybn) still aid in my recovery and I won't go without them. Thank you for spreading awareness with your story.

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