1. Hey beautiful people i finally found a website where you can shop from the comfort of your home and have them deliver it. they have the best top shelf, CBD oil and many other cannabis related product. contact 949xxxxxxxx 392xxx 1248 or email inf0@farmcannabisseedscom for more details

  2. Hey beautiful people i finally found a website where you can shop from the comfort of your home and have them deliver it. they have the best top shelf, CBD oil and many other cannabis related product. contact 949xxxxxxxx 392xxx 1248 or email info@@t for more details

  3. and now the country is going to shit from reeeeeeeefer maaaaadneeeees! all the sex crazed stoners have turned into axe murderers and the nuns have all become harlots.

    when are people going to realize that weed is good for you, and certainly better than alchohol (and im an alchoholic, its poison) time we ended the destruction caused by the so called war on drugs and set things straight. Florida is letting a million ex cons vote too.

    "Ring the bells that still can ring,
    Forget your perfect offering,
    There is a crack in everything,
    That's how the light gets in" – Leonard Cohen

  4. alcohol, tobacco, caffeine etc. i think even fast food can be addictive. not to mention "legal" opioids. my home state is thinking cogently. too bad my adopted state of Indiana is still back in the 50's. but neighboring Berrien and Cass counties will keep right on hassling folks. watch and see. 🙁

  5. No hope with dope says the guy who clearly spends the majority of his day shoveling in trans fats and preservatives to wash down his pharmaceuticals. God forbid we be allowed to consume a harmless natural substance with no harmful side effects and no risk of death from overdose.

  6. people smoke weed weather or not its legal at least now it can be properly regulated on how is made and how much thc, and we will get fuckton of money from the tax revenue to go for roads and schools. sounds like a win to me.

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