Rethinking ADHD Treatment: The Power of Non-Stimulant Medication

Explore ADHD treatment beyond stimulants with Dr. Tracey Marks. Dive into the world of non-stimulant medications like Qelbree, …


  1. For me personally, the best "treatment" I have ever found my entire life, wake up , eat oatmeal and fruit, green tea, stretch, light exercise, than plan day on paper. When I get spun out and overwhelmed from too many things happening, I revert back to this every time. Usually after a week of discipline, I feel 19 years old again, sharp as a tack.

  2. When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what was called 'hyperkinesia' (the old name for ADHD). I was prescribed Ritalin. I hated being on it, because it made me feel emotionally flat and sleepy. And it didn't really work all that well, anyway. A few years ago, I took a pharmacogenetic DNA test, and it revealed that my body doesn't process Ritalin correctly, and that if it is prescribed, I need less than a standard dose.

  3. I am Autistic/ADHD and I have to give you a little insight on the reality of executive dysfunction, and the answer lies in some autonomy of thought. My monotropic thinking only has a limited number of things on the days list, and our thoughts prioritize our main focus. We have the ability to follow our minds' eye and not question our motivation during our free time. We also have the ability to have a structured job and should be a good fit for self stimulation to maintain good dopamine and serotonin releases throughout the day. This allows better mental well-being and better focus on the task at hand. If I never question my motives and follow my thoughts, there is never an issue of the self fabricated executive dysfunction by merely questioning my motives. The perceptions need to change first because we have it all wrong. I have answers, and I'm waiting for the right person to recognize that I am a very unique thinker and what i say makes sense when lined up. 👻🤪🌶♾️©️

  4. On Reddit ADHD people report they are by yanked off stimulants coldturkey as Dr.s and pharmacies are refusing to refill prescriptions. Unrelated, I switched from an SSRI for depression and anxiety to an SNRI, way better energy and focus, still churning thru relly effective action taking but that could be recent burnout due to elder care.

  5. Yes really!! Nailed it. That’s me in a nutshell and it’s driving me insane. I literally don’t want to live anymore because I’m severely depressed and always feeling inept at basic everyday life stuff. Time management organization, getting overwhelmed, getting confused stuck and I end up crying, sad more depressed, because I’m so disappointed in myself and my inability to just man staying on track and completing tasks are staying focused or getting things accomplished. Always wondering what’s wrong with me.

  6. I really don’t recommend Ritalin and stimulants. I abused it for years .I took so much to of these to avoid the comedowns she’s talking about . I’m hoping to get a Quelbree prescription next week

  7. If you distrust mainstream medicine, it is best to have an equal distrust of alternative medicine. Do not automatically assume that because something is natural that it is is better, beneficial, or even harmless. Be equally skeptical of either solution. Look for hard, quantitative, repeatable evidence… not individual success stories, or vague statements like "people have been doing this for thousands of years".

  8. God has put so many plants around us to heal our bodies. you just need to learn how to use these herbs. after reading the hidden herbs by anette ray I can say I can finally understand the real value of the herbs around us

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