Seizures in Dogs

WARNING: This video contains content that may be upsetting to some people. Learn more about the causes, diagnosis, and …


  1. Is is going to have to be God's help y'all got to pray everyone one of your elders and your one of your family and your animals may God be with you because Jesus knows in the name of father and holy Ghost amen 🙏💕

  2. I have a 4 year old GoldenDoodle. Got her in January. She has had two seizures so far, first one two weeks ago, second one last night. Both times while she was resting on her side. She goes stiff, starts quivering/trembling. Eyes remain open, I sit next to her and slowly pet her till she comes out of it. First time lasted a few min, this second time lasted more than ten minutes. When she recovers she stands up, wobbly for a minute or so, then is fine.

  3. It's the same way as a human having a seizure. Epilepsy is hereditary. There is nothing to be scared about if your dog has one…call the closed vet near you and the can guide you. I have seizures and I know what signs to look for. Do not panic if you're dog has one, because you have to be the strong one. The dog will be very tired and weak because the muscles are tensed up when having a seizure. A seizure is never fun to have. My last seizure I fell hard on the floor at my mom's house and got a black eye and had several hairline fractures around my eye socket

  4. Well actually it is best to stay calm and talk calmly to your pet while a seizure is happening. My cat has them . He seems reassured afterwards hearing my kind calmly voice . Crying and screaming only will stress the animal more .

  5. That second one had me in tears. Listening to the family crying. I had to look this up because my dog was twitching a little bit, but nothing like this. I actually have epilepsy, but thankfully I have not had a seizure since two thousand four. As of right now, I think my dog is okay.

  6. So welche krampfanfälle haben die meisten Hunde und Katzen das macht das tolle nassfutter trockenfutter und die Leckerlies die wir ihm geben verursachen diesen krampfanfälle weil der Hund an sich diese Nahrung eigentlich gar nicht verträgt Rohkost sowie Fleisch rohes Fleisch die Wölfe Füchse und andere Tiere ist draußen auch machen wir vergessen immer der Hund ist eigentlich ein wildes Tier und diese krampfanfälle die die Hunde und Katzen haben sind durch unsere Unwissenheit verursacht wir tun ihnen das an

  7. I’m trying to figure out if our 12 year old dachshund just had a seizure but it was nothing like this at all!!!
    I am so sorry for anyone who ever has to experience this or that whaling! Poor dog & everyone there! God bless y’all!💜

  8. My dog has generalised seizures. This is when the seizure is that of the first clip but he can foam, deficate and urinate during or just after. All I can do is to try to keep him cool (open windows/doors if in the house) crouch down behind him if there is space (incase i need to get away) and protect his head by putting my hand underneath and sometimes with a folded up towel if I can get to one to stop his head bashing the floor multiple times during this episode. I can control him better to stop him pushing himself into things if needs be. I never hold him down so he has the freedom to move how he needs to during but i will protect him from bashing into things if he moves or flips over. I talk to him in the calmest most gentle voice saying "its okay, its ok" to soothe him through the seizure (even though he is unconscious) and until he has fully come out of it. He is dazed, confused and wobbly when he gets up so is very important to keep a calm environment with slow gentle movements to do my best to not send him into another seizure as he is very nervous after the episode. Thats all anyone can really do when this happens i think. Some say to leave them and get away/ close them in a room to protect the kids and yourself which is fine too just make sure they cant further damage themselves if possible. Its not nice to see or have to live with and everytime it happens my stomach is in my mouth with worry. The seizure itself lasts around 30-45 seconds but this is the longest 30-45 seconds of my life everytime. I hope this can help at least one person until they get help from a vet! Love to you all ❤

  9. So when our dog has seizures she doesn't know where she is her eyes are dilated and she just has him for no reason because she had one this morning like at 6:00 or 7:00 a.m. and now she had one at 7:00 for no reason I just if you know a way to for dogs not to have seizures please like this comment and then just text it to me in the comments please

  10. Eu tive um cão com treze anos e começou uma convulsão ao meio dia e não cessou até as dezessete horas. Ele tinha um tumor no pulmão e uma síndrome atacou o cérebro dele. Tive que optar naquele mesmo dia pela eutanásia pois não iria voltar mais ao normal disse o veterinário. Foi muito triste.

  11. Why in the hell are the people in the second video just taping and crying instead of comforting their dog? That dog needs to be taken immediately to the ER

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