My mom is permanently healed from this horrible disease called Alzheimer, and now she is living her best life. Contact Dr. Rohan via you will come back for your testimony.
You’ve basically stated only (2) two cannabinoids, from a plant that creates 130+ cannabinoids, if not more unknown. But where are the clinical trials with full spectrum cannabis with patients?
It worked good for my mom for eight months then she started vomiting when I gave it to her . Now she's back in hell and there is nothing anyone can do .
If you want to help yourself, just Google Weedborn. I know you will find good solutions for all your illnesses.
My mom is permanently healed from this horrible disease called Alzheimer, and now she is living her best life. Contact Dr. Rohan via you will come back for your testimony.
You’ve basically stated only (2) two cannabinoids, from a plant that creates 130+ cannabinoids, if not more unknown. But where are the clinical trials with full spectrum cannabis with patients?
It worked good for my mom for eight months then she started vomiting when I gave it to her . Now she's back in hell and there is nothing anyone can do .