1. Trump may be able to do an EO to prohibit federal, state and local LE from charging anyone with medical cannabis use related crimes in states where it is legal for medical use. For example, possession of cannabis products for medical use and firearms at the same time is still an issue federally.

  2. Hope Trump will go through with it & do what Schumer/Biden didn’t. Epic failure for the Dems. This is an effective medicine for millions of people. The most no-brainer thing to get done which is supported by the vast majority of Americans

  3. Until the Senate has 60 votes, cannabis will be illegal. Only ONE republican Senator KINDA supports legalization. we need like 13 now. Get over yourselves. This is lip service and empty fake promises and vapid hope.

  4. Energy goes where awareness flows, as $$$ catches eyes
    Gotta use that logic nice and clear: Incentivize
    Like: "Well paid jobs for all whom once imprisoned by the lies"
    Or: "Cannabis is Medicine' 'We've got papers on this, guys…'

    Food, Agro, Industry, Textile, Rec
    Versatile from Food, through to Space, what a flex
    Think it's 'bout time that we all get along
    'Merica's got Green', Now we also 'Got Jobs'

    dusts shoulders, then fingertips off, getting $$$$ tacked to sticky fingers

    What a Flex (He da Best) We De-stress (What a Mess)
    Gotta Double up on Green, 'Think it's really for the best'
    If you got a good idea, we can put it to the test
    We about to make the future everybody! Go Blessed~
    *clicks comment instead of x *

  5. For God's sake, deschedule this plant already or just do something about the DEA sabotaging the MJ rescheduling to 3 process because the ALJ hearing court they called for is deliberately set for it to fail.



  6. 1. Money is in fact Currency, it has never been speech. The only logical reason to pretend that money is speech, is if you want rich people to be able to buy politicians and control the actions of our government.
    2. Cannabis needs to be treated like Alcohol , not like crack or any other drug. No need to just legalize it for medical use, that is just dividing so that you can be conquered . It doesn't need to be done in slow steps, just de-schedule Cannabis, then treat it the same way Alcohol is Regulate, Tax, and move on. .

  7. This comment section restores my faith in humanity. I'm not seeing any finger pointing when everyone here knows this is just another carrot for politicians to dangle in front of voters. BOTH aisles of congress seem content with pushing moral panic buttons A through Z. Why cannabis is on that button list is just as much of a mystery to me today as it was 35 yrs ago when I first tried it.

  8. Just totally legalize FFS America!!! Canada's legal system here has some major pitfalls, but people arent getting prison time anymore at least. Most states are far beyond "medical", 2/3rds are wide open state wide already anyways. We'll see how it goes.

  9. Our best chance at fair federal cannabis legislation is electing Tim Walz President in 2028.
    If Trump does it, it will be to make some billionaires into multi-billionaires.

  10. Omega-3's are essential for the formation of CB1 receptors that attach to our central nervous system; these cannabinoid receptors also absorb the phytocannabinoid THC and the endocannabinoid 2-ag.Jun 26, 2020Thanking all growers breeders cultivators lovers of the master plant. She breeds passion and homeostasis cb2 receptor inhibits sars2. Ganja is a medicinal treasure trove. Support your local farmers peace and love.

  11. I believe Trump will open up Banking to the Cannabis Industry and help with Medical. — But it would be far smarter to DE Schedule Cannabis and make it like Tobacco & Alcohol as a "Controlled Legal Substance" -We have to fight the Cartels and stop the flow of illegal Cannabis and other drugs from being flooded into our country – Schedule 3 will not slow the flow of illegal Cannabis product enough. This is a National Security issue that has been a failure for my entire lifetime. – LET's FIX THIS – Common Sense Laws – DE Schedule ASAP – Legal controlled Product – We need to STOP funding the Cartels.

  12. Thanks for the Interview this Industry needs the respect from the DEA and all the other Govenment Officials who are wrong about this Plant. Even Pharma Drugs have Side Effects so Cannabis has Positives as well as Negatives and can be used or abused. Plants were given to us to use by The Creator and are a much better Alternative then Pharmeceuticals if given the choice.

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