Geoff’s Thanksgiving Troubles // WOW Items [31]

Geoff, Gavin and Andrew talk about good thanksgiving, Branson Missouri, Geoff vs the hotel, phantom mouth pain, wrinkles, …


  1. Geoff (and other pain sufferers in the comments), I had a similar thing to you and was in pain for 5 years and am now totally out of pain. I wish someone has sent me this info a long time ago, but before getting botox I think it might be worth checking out this podcast called "Tell Me About Your Pain", the episode called "I'm Trying So Hard to Get Rid of My Pain, Why Isn't It Working?" (The episode starts at 1:40). The podcast is by two doctors who are also pain specialists.

    The fact that your pain moves around, comes and goes, gets worse in times of stress (like holidays :P), and is focused on an area where you have a lot of fear, are all HUGE indicators that your pain is neuroplastic and doesn't need physical treatment.

    I think this is still a pretty new concept, so not a lot of doctors/health practitioners know about it and they'll try to find a physical reason for pain, even if there's nothing structurally wrong with you, like they did for me. Of course TMJ is a very real thing and I don't want to minimize it at all, but the fact that you don't seem to have any structural issues and because of all the reasons I mentioned above it might be worth checking out this avenue. Good luck!!!!!

  2. The first night Geoff gets his new mouthguard he needs to enter the bedroom to a recording Andrew or someone does announcing Geoff ramscoop Ramsey Fighting out of Austin, Texas. Weighing in at etc… 😂

  3. Geoff’s pain also sounds like he might have some damage to his trigeminal nerve (either maxillary or mandibular depending on where the pain is localized). Recommend seeing a neurologist.

  4. Geoff your mouth pain describes my life for the last year. Going to the dentist to be told nothing is wrong, told I probably grind my teeth in my sleep. Except I'm 23 and worried this is my life now.

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