I was wrong about saturated fat.

JohnnyColeDickson #Saturatedfat #Cholesterol I was wrong about saturated fat. (read on below). If you read this, leave a like, …


  1. I think cholesterol levels are driven by more complex factors than we have studied. For example, my LDL levels were above acceptable range when on hormonal birth control, but back to normal when I came off of them. I wonder how much more these levels are influenced by hormones than food.

  2. YES! I had a GP years ago who did his undergrad in Molecular Biology. He was on a crusade against sugar for this reason… Had scores of patients who he was (eventually, slowly & in a controlled way) able to get off heart, weight, & diabetes meds by diet modification, & his modifications went against a lot of dietician standards. He had white boards in every patient room with explanations about the molecular processes happening in the body, & how sugar (especially processed stuff!) was the actual underlying culprit.

    My mom had actually started to peg this much earlier, simply by observing that most "low fat" varieties of processed foods actually increased sugars to replace the taste factor (cuz stuff without fats doesn't taste as good… Unless you add sugar!). People are loading their carts with more & more of this stuff yet, over a couple decades of general observation, are not losing weight or getting healthier, but seemingly getting worse. She may not have known the exact science or had a controlled study to prove it, but turns out her instincts were pretty good on this one!

  3. I had slightly elevated cholesterol levels so my doctor put me on a diet. I was really following it for half a year but surprise surprise, it did not change the cholesterol level. Watching this video I wonder why doctors think that the diet can influence cholesterol levels when the body controls how much of it stays in the blood.

  4. Dogma should never be confused with science.
    Science is never settled.

    This is because science is based on correlation. And correlation does not imply causation. Since science is based on a logical fallacy it needs rules like, experiments must be replicated. And it takes just once observation to prove a theory wrong. No matter how old is a theory. Or more important how many scholars salaries depend on the theory.

    Point made: science is never settled. Only dogma is ever settled.

  5. 19:45 There, you got it. Clear as day. Saturated fat is worse for heart health.

    Where did you get the idea of "modified" LDL?

    We agree on excess refined carbs and total fat being bad it seems, but the whole seed oil business? Come on…

  6. You're absolutely right about the 800 it is h e double hockey sticks. Very few people do it well. You never quite sure if you're running fast enough or if you're running too fast just die at the 700 mark. Good on you for running it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  7. Finland in the 70s was the country with more cardiovascular related deaths IN THE WORLD. Also was one of the countries in which more animal products was consumed per capita. A scientist paid by the government called Pekka Puska design a national dietary program based on the concepts of Ancel Keys. People began replacing saturated for unsaturated fats, animal protein for plant protein. After 10 years it became one of Europe´s countries with less cardiovascular events.
    Stop ridiculing Ancel Keys like he was so stupid as not to know how to interpret data.

  8. For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong. H L: Mencken.
    Eat like your grandparents (in my case) and great grandparents in yours. They didn't eat seed oils and massive amounts of carbohydrate and NO processed foods. They did eat butter, meats , full fat milk, cheese and very little fruit.
    Best source of the smoking gun is Dt. Chris Knobbe re seed oils.

  9. I DISTINCTLY recall there being a chart that showed different oils etc and some data that I don't remember now, but in watching this video twice it's nowhere to be found and I feel like I'm going insane.

  10. Si basically, we are told to lower cholesterol because they know we’re going to eat junk food. Low “cholesterol” (semantics) means less LDL to go awry, less CVD… because we’re going to eat the sugary treats and drink the sugary drinks anyway. Pretty much comes down to this.

  11. I tried to lower my sugar/starch and seed oil intake. Only then did I notice that that stuff is everywhere from potatoes, bread, and cookies, to crisps, pasta, and deserts. Only if you eat unprocessed veggies and meat you can stay away from it, but man is that expensive!

  12. Only way i could think of cholesterol comming from saturated or unsaturated fats directly would be a mechanism which saturates or unsaturates the fat and as a byproduct produces cholesterol

    However I dont think a mechanism which works in that way really exists

  13. I would love to know what you think about the YouTube channel Nutrition Made Simple! He has a lot of videos on why saturated fat is bad and he quotes a lot of studies in his videos.

  14. Nick Norwitz had a recent video where he analyzed some recent research that appears to show the beneficial mechanism of statins is completely independent of the LDL reduction, and is statistically insignificant outside of people with existing heart disease. Very intriguing

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