lets just take foolish sen lewis issue one at time the issue 1st is driving while stoned , well currently the law must show eradicate behavior or driving there is a test which can be refused with the lost of license and is not perfect by any means for alcohol, however we could used videos in police cars That would show such driving behavior along with cams on cops any test can be refuse due to constitutional issue 5th amen , I say video are evident for evidence sake , then let the jury decide its American way / problem solve , as to foolish prohibitionist lewis the dope sen he like to call himself , even thinks he for cannabis , his scare threatening speech is boring me to death . The pot shops are limited under the law and any town has the right to ban , . also The foolish dope sen lewis is a prohibitionist pig because ever word is against this question cause he thinks as he said we as a people are not ready ? two words for him .. , because he wants to remain under prohibition laws This foolish dope sen is far form telling the truth he advise by scare That THC gummy bears will fill your children dreams There not be sold to children just like any pills , They will be clearly label and protected not unlike cook alcohol cakes and candies at the store ? hey lets get drunk on cakes and candy ah / no id required even … which if consumed in high amounts could cause death in those same children who knows maybe there drive a car ? Lewis want to so protect ya right ? doing so well arresting stopping nothing no one really at tax payer cost , ONly God knows surly parents so love there kids that this would only happen by accident but if child was to consume cannabis its safe not like alcohol… where there is no limit or percentage , which will be on edibles again not like alcohol cakes and candies , sold without ID by the way
if you send a prohibitionist to CO like sen lewis You will not satisfied the truth / all that sprew form lewis month is propaganda and lies he does not value the question and is not an expert in cannabis field
Kennedy at the end of his life asked the state government too let U mass study cannabis , far too late he refuse over and over and over for 60s to 90s and got brain cancer needed it and died This is your evidence VOTE ON IT VOTE YES on question 4
Sell out Sabet pulls out a Schedule I substance in a public forum and he's not arrested!!?? He abandoned the hippocratic oath, and is now carrying the drug he wants to deny those who need it. FYI – Any dummy can LEGALLY pull out two containers of clear liquid. No one can tell which had water or vodka that can kill a kid..there goes your felonious gummy bear point. Arrest that tool!
Sabet's main point that infused candies will be marketed to children is entirely false, as the Canabis Control Commission will be tasked with enacting regulations prohibiting such things as it sees fit. And he's also wrong in saying that the Commission will be stacked by industry people. The three person board will be selected by the Treasurer, who is a legalization opponent. MA regulations will likely be the tightest in the nation.
Lets prohibit alcohol and tobacco, lets see how well that works for us. And this thursday when i watch the Patriots game i saw alcohol commercials, gotta protect kids.
stupid potheads
That dude on light grey suit are stupid
lets just take foolish sen lewis issue one at time the issue 1st is driving while stoned , well currently the law must show eradicate behavior or driving there is a test which can be refused with the lost of license and is not perfect by any means for alcohol, however we could used videos in police cars That would show such driving behavior along with cams on cops any test can be refuse due to constitutional issue 5th amen , I say video are evident for evidence sake , then let the jury decide its American way / problem solve , as to foolish prohibitionist lewis the dope sen he like to call himself , even thinks he for cannabis , his scare threatening speech is boring me to death . The pot shops are limited under the law and any town has the right to ban , . also The foolish dope sen lewis is a prohibitionist pig because ever word is against this question cause he thinks as he said we as a people are not ready ? two words for him .. , because he wants to remain under prohibition laws This foolish dope sen is far form telling the truth he advise by scare That THC gummy bears will fill your children dreams There not be sold to children just like any pills , They will be clearly label and protected not unlike cook alcohol cakes and candies at the store ? hey lets get drunk on cakes and candy ah / no id required even … which if consumed in high amounts could cause death in those same children who knows maybe there drive a car ? Lewis want to so protect ya right ? doing so well arresting stopping nothing no one really at tax payer cost , ONly God knows surly parents so love there kids that this would only happen by accident but if child was to consume cannabis its safe not like alcohol… where there is no limit or percentage , which will be on edibles again not like alcohol cakes and candies , sold without ID by the way
the panel is bias form the start 4 prohibitionist in the said , are in good company with big tobacco
if you send a prohibitionist to CO like sen lewis You will not satisfied the truth / all that sprew form lewis month is propaganda and lies he does not value the question and is not an expert in cannabis field
Kennedy at the end of his life asked the state government too let U mass study cannabis , far too late he refuse over and over and over for 60s to 90s and got brain cancer needed it and died This is your evidence VOTE ON IT VOTE YES on question 4
The moderator did an outstanding job
Sell out Sabet pulls out a Schedule I substance in a public forum and he's not arrested!!?? He abandoned the hippocratic oath, and is now carrying the drug he wants to deny those who need it. FYI – Any dummy can LEGALLY pull out two containers of clear liquid. No one can tell which had water or vodka that can kill a kid..there goes your felonious gummy bear point. Arrest that tool!
"Tobacco is more addictive than Heroin" – LoL guy.. ok.. can't take you serious anymore.. Jim you're a beast.
Sabet's main point that infused candies will be marketed to children is entirely false, as the Canabis Control Commission will be tasked with enacting regulations prohibiting such things as it sees fit. And he's also wrong in saying that the Commission will be stacked by industry people. The three person board will be selected by the Treasurer, who is a legalization opponent. MA regulations will likely be the tightest in the nation.
Anyone against legalizing marijuana are totalitarians, infiringing on the freedoms of others, just like the anti-gunners.
OMG how I WISH Sabet would give a STRAIGHT ANSWER then STFU and let other people talk!!
Lets prohibit alcohol and tobacco, lets see how well that works for us. And this thursday when i watch the Patriots game i saw alcohol commercials, gotta protect kids.