1. You need a backup camera and mic my friend, never disclose that you have it until you start proceedings and have sworn statements or affidavits- you then have them by the balls.

  2. link takes me to recent posts..not there bro.

    in so many audits I've watched in the US, there is always 2 or 3..hardly ever just 1 alone. and now i don't think police are allowed to travel alone so it's always you aganist many. not saying they are corrupt in this way, no they are fucking worse. a single camera changes that environment real quick.

    another camera? hidden one bro? you have the upper hand if they believe they have rendered you usless, when in reality the bait was taken and you have the floor ahaha 😆 or even another cheap phone so you can lock it remotely ie find my phone, tracking apps are good too remotely turn mics and camera's on record or take photos in the background. sounds sinister ahaha 😆 its what happens when you lock people up at home ahaha mind starts churning 😃😅😉

    its like when people say they don't care about the police cause they are law abiding ̶c̶̶i̶̶t̶̶i̶̶z̶̶e̶̶n̶̶s̶ sheople…

    if cops were legit they have nothing to hide..shifty qunts will take your camera and then show you how corrupt they are by taking that chance to act unlawful. catching them out should be a full time job and paid by for by the police. like a mystery shopper ahaha

    what a job role..bait cops all day and everyday. good education they should be thankful for and will never recive at the academy

    occupation: copwatcher

    did you get it all back? intact..

    shifty isn't being deceptive, but rather too quick! lol

  3. Interferences with your possessions are presumed to be a grave infringement of elementary common law rights and may engage the doctrine of trespass to person or goods. The mere fact that a person is a police officer does not justify such an interference (Trobrudge v Hardy [1955] 94 CLR 147, 152)

  4. mate, you can BET that if you had done the same as those Bstards and grabbed their gear / phone, they woulda gone hands on and thrown you a beating all while screaming "STOP RESISTING" at the top of their lungs while they punched and kicked and pepper sprayed and tazed the heck out of you..probably till you were barely conscious. then charged you for attempted theft, resisting arrest, assault on a police officer.. and whatever other charges they could dream up…. they are all a gang of thugs.. nothing more.

  5. Hahahah,
    My favourite video by far – wah wah wah.
    How many saying does this scenario fit,
    1) Fuck with the bull, ya get the horns
    2) Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
    3) Its always funny till someone gets hurt – then its just hilarious
    And many many more,

  6. Send them a bill for the financial incursion thats been brought upon you, the items seized are used by you for your livelihood..? Given of course that the seizure is considered illegal! Can't wait to see the video. stay filming~

  7. We, THE PUBLIC, call 'em 'PIGS' for good reason.
    CROOKED pigs like the ones you're describing earn the hate for all of 'em … even the good ones unfortunately.
    However, you, Nunya Bizness, have a following nearly 3,000 strong, both national and international, and from many and varied walks of life.
    Nunya Bizness is putting goodness into the world; that cop's only adding negativity.
    I bet that cop doesn't even realise we all see HIM as the BAD GUYS.
    Hey copper — how many people in the world applaud you? Nothing like Nunya Bizness's numbers I bet.
    … fuken cops.

  8. All you're doing is filming the public, you are a reporter. Although, I hear the Police/government is a private entity, so maybe they're not public anymore?

    I hope "they" didn't get to you, because you seem to be a genuine concerned person/reporter. All the best to getting your stuff back and doing what you do best.

    Just a heads up: I said "they" because they recruit normal people to suppress and stalk people like you and me. Be careful dude. They can use people close to you to turn against you. It is done very covertly but you will know when you become a target. They call it "Gang Stalking". I recommend you buy sun glasses with a camera, This channel does this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDQAcOXQh-QgFhC7jn7lboA/videos

    If you notice anything strange happening around you, just be prepared for the worst.

    Hopefully you don't have to go through that sort of treatment by this sick system.

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