Episode 430: Gas Guzzler | TrueAnon

Subscribe at Original release date 1/16/2025 ———– We’re joined by Ezra Marcus to talk about …


  1. Making nitrous oxide illegal ONLY if you want to get high is directly infringing on cognitive liberty. A right which undergirds freedom of speech and religion, but which to my knowledge has not been directly acknowledged by a court.

  2. Back in my day you had to go to the commercial culinary store and lie to the worker about how you were baking a bunch of cakes and needed 100s of chargers. Not that whipped cream even makes sense for a cake but they still sold it while shaking their head for how redacted we were.

  3. Whipped cream cans were $1 for the store brand kind on a military base in Hawaii when I was a teenager. I used to buy 10 and then go kill brain cells for the afternoon.
    Eventually, I grew to dislike the floaty, spinning feeling and haven’t sucked any nitrous oxide in 20 years. Don’t even like it at the dentist now.

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