Growing Cannabis With Orange Juice Ep1 (Days 1-10)

Watch this new how to grow cannabis video of growing cannabis with Orange Juice Episode 1 day 1-10. In this video I decided to …


  1. 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾 As a new grower, it's good to binge-watch an experimental grow with orange juice!! Im like a week and 1/2 from harvesting my second run! "Dos Si Dos #33"

  2. wait if the OJ is ph3 , then just add it to tap water until its ph is 5-7 , now you just add some sugar and a sprinkle of epsome salt and you wont need PH chemicals anymore… BUT the OG is usually from concentrate so you might still be getting shitty nute from terrible sources!

    I have only used tap water sugar and salt, in a organic Live soil….. it spawns bugs , but it works !

  3. These black people are getting ridiculous. Next thing you know they are going to be feeding their plants pb&j sandwhiches and after that fried chicken. Dumb people i tell ya

  4. my mom(rip) taught me to take the almost empty or empty milk jug and fill with water then slosh it around then water your plants with it long ago…thanks mom love ya rest in peace

  5. Y'all do so much stuff to your cannabis plants. Mine be the same size and my plants don't use nothing at all. Milk and orange juice you might as well cook eggs and bacon with it too

  6. Not knocking it but you should look up Jadam/KNF methods itll be cheaper and you can use kitchen scraps to get specific nutes (crushed eggshells for calcium, fermented coffee and beer for nitrogen, garlic with honey/sugar for IPM and microbe ect.)

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