Plants are coming right along! I talk about harvesting half of a cannabis plant / partial harvest and why I do it. I also of course show …


  1. Pretty embarrassing… I just counted 14 colas with pet hair on them! 🙁 … LOL! I've got to do a better job guarding my cats from entering my grow room. Who else battles with pet hair on their plants?

  2. Most definitely. I guess a little hair on the flower is worth its weight in gold when you’re not allowed to be armed on your farm. My dogs are my security team. A pack of 120 pound Anatolian shepherds screams fuck around and find out. lol

  3. @2:02 is that spider webbing ? And at 3:12,, not sure if it is or not. I had the same looking issue but only on one flower, I think it came off my sleeve while reaching in to water. Great looking plants bro,, those are stacked !!

  4. I just did a partial harvest today….I want my smaller buds to get bigger….my bigger buds looked ready. I did alot of supercropping and my stems are strong and have alot of smaller buds so I cut the big buds off and I'm gonna harvest the rest In early November….I think I'll get a better yeild. My buds from previous sample cuts are growing back and faster and bigger…..The weed is super sticky and gives off a strong body high.

  5. How do you half harvest a plant an still put the plant into darkness for 48 hours before harvest? Without messing up the other part of the plant thats not ready or ehsy if you had a plant ready for harvest but you had a bunch of new leafs n stems growing how do you put the plant into darkness for 48 hours without messing up the other part of the plant thats in vegetative stage.😅?

  6. Does chopping down the top half of a plant have a negative effect on the remaining plant? During my last harvest (1st grow), I left the stump in the soil and noticed that it was still up-taking water. Should I bandage the cut sights if I take this route?

  7. Let's say I had cannabis plans sativa Different strains from collection of buds I've had over the years, 3 months of cultivating and had to harvest early because of the winds and storms literally did a number of damage on my all my plants 🪴 I had them in the 3 week of flowering The buds are no more than a centimeter & have trycombs but they don't have a smell other than chlorine
    Is it safe to smoke?

  8. That's interesting because my plants were the exact opposite. I had to do half harvest of the plant because the entire bottom was already done and the mid and top were still growing. I actually have two plans that I did that partial harvest on because the bottom ones were growing more than the top. I also only use water and absolutely nothing else. I won't gain a massive harvest but my plants are still growing rather well. Around two ounces off of each plant on average. I do outdoor grows only at this point, indoor grows are way too dangerous, but hey, to each their own. Have fun and make sure to take the time to dry and cure!

  9. Hi ….. I just tried this for the first time as I saw your video ! Do you still feed nutrients after harvesting half a plant or keep flushing with plain water ?

  10. Thank you! I was looking at a multi-stage harvest on a couple of my girls. Any difference beween autos/photos and using a multi-stage harvest?

    Think its awesome that i googled this topic and the first vid on my list was this one- i have been a long time subscriber so i value your guidance.. even if you can just point me in the direction i should be researching with a photo run and considering mutistage harvest?? Plz an ty!!

  11. I also harves a little early but I’m right on the line of 70% cloudy with amber barely starting to show .. another big reason I may harvest early is when the Calix ( spelling ) are swollen another great indicator when they are done , I will sacrifice weight for quality

  12. This is my first time growing and so it took me a while to realize the effect of my backyard light on my plant in the night but I noticed soon enough that the sides exposed to light were flowering way sooner then the other parts and I’m already late in the season so I’ll have to see how it turns out but I’m definitely gonna have to partially harvest. Do you think it’ll come out okay?

  13. the video's with too much unrelated content. please keep it short. and dont digress off the subject. a 20 second info is stretched over 5 minute time waste. and if it wasn't for my patience I'd give it thumb down for too much unrelated info… (eg. I'm not here to look at your plants with amateur dubstep music) until closer to the end (when a viewer would leave for not getting info that title suggests) you actually spoke about harvesting part of the plant…

  14. The half of my plant, looks ready to harvest whilst the other half is still with clear tricomes. What if I harvest only the parts that are ready… Is it ok to let the rest of them keep growing, or will the plant die?

  15. I grow in coco and do water every other day opposite of nutes( same way you described soil) and have never had an issue myself. Hoping it stays that way lol. Looking great tho man , love the content 👌

  16. I would love to get in the business……if the UK ever legalized production i`d quit my shitty make the boss richer job. Growing illegally is a bitch especially if some F nugget finds your patch and cuts it down before it`s ready. I have thought of moving out of this place but i`d miss my family. Great info and the idea to chop tips off and leave the lower colas to finish flowing is the better way to complete a grow. I would also like to invest as i think i could have an early retirement and have more market research to do

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