How to make cannaoil (cannabis-infused cooking oil) | Leafly

Learn how to make cannaoil with a little help from Leafly. Cannabis infused cooking oil can be used in all kinds of recipes, from …


  1. Okay at the end, DO squeeze, but do that part in a separate container to be used right away. Waste not, want not! You can also still use the leftover oily herb to infuse in hot teas, lattes, or orher hot beverages

  2. I dont have an oven so i decarb in a mason jar inside a pressure cooker for 45 mins ( I release pressure at 20 mins to give the jar a shake and then get it back to temp) then add coconut oil and dunk the jar in a hot water bath for 3 hrs minimum

  3. You can do this more easily and with almost no smell in a mason jar. Decarb mason jar in oven for 30 minutes. Then fill the preserving jar with vegetable oil and seal it airtight. Place in a water bath in a saucepan at 80 to 90 degrees Celsius for 2 hours. Much more relaxed method and all terpenes stay in the oil jar instead of in the apartment.

  4. Hopefuly you yo all figured it out. Decarbing requires a temp of no less than 223F , anything above 212 technically has potential to destroy cannabanoids but oil works as a shield so even as its destroyed the oil mixes with the fat in the solution. never go above 350F

  5. I don't understand this. I thought going above a certain temperature destroys the weed, hence being careful when decarboxylating? Cooking with the weed in oil is going to take it way beyond that even if you're careful?

  6. Hey, why do all these videos have a gray play button with a slash through it in the bottom right hand corner of the thumbnail? I know its a youtube thing, but what does it mean?

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