Sativa Vs Indica Vs Hybrid: You’ve Been Picking Strains All Wrong 🤷‍♂️

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  1. Theres a very fine line between keeping everything to simple to where you undertrain and neglect your plants and trying to overcomplicate your grow if you find that line and stay on it youll do better than most of the rest of them

  2. If you want your body stoned and pain killed a bit smoke indica and sleep .
    If you want the great high of the past for daytime use smoke sativa for the up lifting wonderful high that will keep you going for a couple of hours at least .

    I have a hybrid that gives a wonderful mental high but two hours later i must lay down and nap which interferes with doing things and being productive !
    I guess my first grow will be the pure sativa Durban Poison which is very forgiving and easy to grow !

    Big buds means you have indica !
    Small buds could mean you have sativa !

    More money is made growing indica because it harvest more quickly than sativa.
    I want the quality high sativa produces what about you ?

    At night you can smoke indica for bed time !

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