Smoking #marijuana may be more harmful to lungs than smoking #cigarettes, study finds. #health

People who smoke marijuana were more likely to have certain types of lung damage than people who smoked cigarettes, …


  1. Weed isn’t a physically addictive drug like the psychoactive drug caffeine … You’d have to be a silly hypocrite to talk negative about weed if you’re a caffeine drug user / addict .

  2. Ive only seen alcohol cause bad things. Alcohol was a major reason why my childhood was so bad. Any time there was some pot around, everyone chilled out and mindlessly waffled while eating ridiculous amounts of food.

  3. Just going to make a statement; as a smoker ive found that ive only ever felt an issue after tobacco smoke, never have i had a cough until tobacco. And as i lve layed off of the tobacco ive noticed a decrease as well.

  4. all smoke that is inhaled cancerous,,,
    add to that all the residue chemicals from growth/spray and fact that thc is fat soluable and goes thro the lungs..

  5. Maybe mention the fact a lot of people SPIN TOBACCO WITH WEED USING WATER BONGS, is that in the study? more propaganda, vaping and joints, pipes etc are completely fine, water bongs aren't.

  6. All I could could see was a picture with music the writing on the bottom that told all the information was covered up by the news channel info. So … 🤷 I'm still clueless

  7. This report is for chronic smokers. If you smoked weed like tobacco it would be more harmful, but who smokes an ounce or more a day. If you did youd have more than physical harm. Social harm also.

  8. I smoke from 12 years and now I have 43 no problems these plants are here for you don't listen noone because they are trying to hide the truth weed kills cancer

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