1. I want to just say this and I don't care the flack I get off it. Don't ever trust a European when talking about American foods. Even if American food was the best they would claim it was terrible simply because it's not European. I am tired of hearing this all over the internet from a very large majority of people who have never tried it. It's not truth it's an ego. It is simply we're better just because. So if a European says your food is terrible disregard it and continue on regardless because most of them have never seen a map of The US much less tried the food.

  2. i am surprised at the calvin and hobbs refrence. I was way off. I thought it was from the Fallout games series. They do have sugar bombs cereal. Maybe they exist in the same universe.

  3. Arsenic drugs have been banned by the FDA this is fear mongering. Just typical click bait. The EU has banned the import of US grown chickens because our processors wash the chicken with bleach.

  4. Oh my goodness. My small shop literally serves wag. Yu hot dogs. How stupid does that sound? Wagyu is meant for the marbling. Not to taste, it just sounds better. So you can charge more love. My company, is it a good hot dog?No not really

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