CBD Works Differently Than THC, Here’s How

THC’s lesser known non-hallucinogenic counterpart, CBD, might be the future of medicine. How exactly does it work? Is Marijuana …


  1. I use both the CBD gummies and the CBD joints. They are indispensable tools in my life. I believe the anti-convulsive effects have broad implications for many, many people. “…it keeps your body from going haywire.” Indeed.

  2. I smoked THC for about 3 years. It made me lazy, paranoid, have anxiety, sleep a lot and put on weight. I switched to CBD when it became Legal in my country, I've never looked back. It's incredible stuff, I have severe anxiety & depression and it helps me soooo much. I've been a long time ad.dict of Painkillers for 5 or more years and when I take in my CBD, I don't even think about Pharmas. I'm actually thinking of coming off Pharmas completely! I've even started Growing my own CBD! 🙂

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