1. Dude the fact this was a question at one point scares me to be honest. And also you talked about cocaine but not coca in it’s natural form being far more tolerable.

  2. lol wtf? ok. i cant have weed anymore or any psychadelics bc of a psychosis i went into unrelated to them . but i can still use white and opiates. and even still i know hands down coke …bc u dnt kno what its cut with.. is way way worse than weed lol

  3. cocaine is as far from natural as you could get ….they use leaves and socked them in petrol and add so many chemicals and at the end you got literally a poison while weed is just a nice plant !

  4. To be perfectly honest.. Cocaines a lot safer for me than pot. Pots sent me into cannabis induced psychosis a couple of times which has resulted in me being shot at, so yea 🤷‍♂️.. never had that issue with coke or any other drugs

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