What will growing medical marijuana look like in Kentucky?

Grasshopper Farms has rows and rows of trees with a yield of roughly 18000 to 20000 pounds of marijuana. The company is now …


  1. I bet at least 40% of Ky smokes cannabis. 90% of employers that drug test for A non-safety job function, no longer test for Cannabis. and they make it A law, where you can buy raw cannabis at A license dispensary but it's illegal to smoke it.😂😂😂😂😂

  2. I would love to move back home and run a lab or even a full scale operation. If you’re an owner looking to start up in KY message me. I’ve got experience doing CO2 supercritical runs subcritical runs, mass scale gummies using pectin checking the brix level with a refractometer , distillation, ethanol extract. All of the base scale operations trimming harvest debud packing unpacking, cleaning the tables. All of it under the ropes. I can also give you tips on things you could do better for the long run with your growth because it will grow and you will run into new challenges.

  3. More corporate greed. How about the small farmers. NY has so many regulations you have to be a corporation to compete. Licensing fees cost thousands. Military who would have thought first Vietnam was cocain Afghanistan was heroine. Now selling weed. Forehead smack.

  4. Dont do it… Aounds great and everything.. but the regulations have destroyed the product of actual medicine… When the made it recreational it destroyed the medicine… Most grower who grow medical and recreational are growing it all together with the same processes as one another .. how can u say one medical and one rec.. if it all grown the same way using the same methods and same chemicals and sprays … Its all garbage

  5. Growing cannabis outside grows low quality, top quality cannabis is grown inside. The buds on these plants are very small, and mostly for CBD only. As growers they have Much to learn…
    Master growers they are not…

  6. medical? any plant that is sprayed with pesticides and or fungicides does not belong in the medical category. Lab grown non sprayed super chronic is the only medical grade cannabis that should be allowed. Dont smoke sprayed weed.

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