Medical Marijuana and Parkinson’s Part 3 of 3

See the effects of cannabis first hand, unedited, on Parkinson’s tremor dyskinesia, and voice. This clip is from the feature …


  1. This doesn't seem like a Parkinson's disease. Tremor, rigid muscle, mask face, neither of them is presented. Instead, I think this patient had got a Huntington's disease, for his chorea behavior.

  2. Weed is not illegal because the gov wants to protect you.. If the gov really wanted that, cigarettes, alcohol, processed foods etc… would have been illegal..
    Weed helps you with a lot of things…

  3. This is RSO..Rick Simpson Oil…I use it daily now to help with my hernia and gastroparesis….I could not and can not believe still just how fast and potent and quick this can alleviate my GI symptoms. I love you all and stay strong.

  4. Good morning you'll , just wondering how I can get contact to those guys who sell the cream, because my Dad have the Perkinson disease and I would like to get that cream for my Dad, any help?

  5. Insane that he would be fined or most likely worse here in Texas for doing this. I’m angry that it’s illegal here and I only use it recreationally. I can’t imagine how this must make someone with Parkinson’s or other disabilities feel.

  6. Pamiętajcie że narkotyki to wszelakie zło 🤭 i nie wolno mówić że jest inaczej, że czasami ratuje życie, że potrafi zmienić percepcję, leczyć schorzenia i zaburzenia… Pamiętajcie tylko i wyłącznie farmakologia, dajmy się otruć jeszcze bardziej 😂😂😂

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